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Re: Getting rid of redundant tuplet brackets in combined voices

From: Henrik Frisk
Subject: Re: Getting rid of redundant tuplet brackets in combined voices
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 16:59:46 +0200


Unfortunately I couldn't compile your file (LilyPond exits with
segmentation fault or bus error) - this is in Lily 2.9.13.

However, I would imagine you could put a 

\override Voice.TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility = ##t
\override Voice.TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t

before your \times statement in your \tupletsII voice. I would also imagine you 
could put that
before your \tupletII include in the VoiceII.

But, I haven't tried it...


> Hello all,
> I'm trying to get rid of redundant tuplet brackets in combined voices using
> \partcombine.
> First I explored a way using the \tag-feature, but this leads to excessive
> changes in the original music, so I discarded this.
> A different approach is to create a quoted voice, where "time-scaled-music"
> is removed from Staff.quotedEventTypes, which works well in itself. But when
> passing this new, "time-scaled-music-free" voice/variable into \partcombine,
> it won't show up, regardless if as first or second music expression. See
> attachment and code below for 2.8.4.
> I'm happy for any input whatsoever!
> Thanks in advance!
> Markus
> %%% Begin Snippet
> \version "2.8.4"
> tupletsI = \relative c' {
>   | \times 2/3 { c4 d e f g a }
> }
> tupletsII = \relative c'' {
>   | \times 2/3 { b4  c d e f g }
> }
> % Top voice
> VoiceI = {
>   \tupletsI
>   \tupletsII
> }
> % Bottom voice
> VoiceII = {
>   \tupletsI
>   \tupletsI
> }
> % Create quotation for removing time-scaled-music later
> \addquote musicAIforPartCombine \VoiceI
> VoiceIForCombine = {
>   % Remove time-scaled-music
>   \set Staff.quotedEventTypes = #'(note-event rest-event tie-event
> beam-event)
>   s1*0 % without this, junking event messages will pop up
>   \quoteDuring #"musicAIforPartCombine" { #(ly:export (skip-of-length
> VoiceI)) }
> }
> \score { {
>   <<
>     \set Score.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
>     \new Staff {
>       \set Staff.instrument = \markup \column { "combined voices print"
> "redundant tuplet brackets" }
>       \partcombine
>         { \VoiceI }
>         { \VoiceII }
>     }
>     \new Staff {
>       \set Staff.instrument = \markup \column { "voice I only; tuplet
> brackets" "removed using \quoteDuring" }
>       \VoiceIForCombine
>     }
>     \new Staff {
>       \set Staff.instrument = \markup \column { "quoted music doesn't show"
> "in combined music" }
>       \partcombine
>         { \VoiceIForCombine  }
>         { \VoiceII }
>     }
>   >>
>   }
>   \layout {
>     indent = 5\cm
>     ragged-right = ##t
>   }
> }
> %%% End Snippet

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