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I want to print bar numbers every 5 measures

From: Kim Shrier
Subject: I want to print bar numbers every 5 measures
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 12:21:40 -0600


I must be missing something obvious.  I have been trying to get lilypond
2.9.14 to print bar numbers every 5 measures instead of at the beginning
of each line.  I have read the manual and looked at the example in but everything I have tried either has no
effect or makes bar numbers disappear entirely.

Below is the source of the song I am typesetting. I would like bar numbers to show above the top staff every 5 measures. Any help would be appreciated.


\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""

    title = "6 part consort music"

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "letter")

\score {
    \new StaffGroup \relative <<
        \new Staff {
            \tempo 2=50
        \new Staff { \TrebleTwo }
        \new Staff { \TenorOne }
        \new Staff { \TenorTwo }
        \new Staff { \BassOne }
        \new Staff { \BassTwo }

    \layout {
        \context {
            \override BarNumber #'padding = #3
            \override RehearsalMark #'padding = #2
            skipBars = ##t
        \context {
            \consists Ambitus_engraver

    \midi {
        \tempo 2=50

\version "2.9.14"

 Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - mailto:address@hidden
Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development
  Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting

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