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voiceXXX with slurs, phrasing and staccato

From: Luc
Subject: voiceXXX with slurs, phrasing and staccato
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 17:12:05 +0200

I have written a small "\book" about some pecularities in the context of \voiceXXX.
Thanks for having a look at it!
\version "2.8.6"
\layout { indent =#0 ragged-right = ##t }
xnotes    = { c'8 d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' }
ynotes    = { \voiceOne \xnotes }
znotes    = { \voiceTwo \xnotes }
xstaccato  = { s8-. s-. s-. s-. s-. s-. s-. s-.  }
xfinger   = { s8 -0 s8 -1 s8 -2 s8 -3 s8 -4 s8 -5 s8 -6 s8 -7 }
xslur    = { s8( s) s s(   s s) s( s)   }
xphrase   = { s8 \( s s s    s s  s s\) }
\book {
 \markup \teeny \wordwrap-string #
  "Formatting with Lilypond under Windows XP
  (1st measure normal, 2nd
\\voiceOne-ed, 3rd \\voiceTwo-ed)"
 \markup \teeny \italic { "A scale with fingering, slurs and a phrasing slur" }
 \score {
   \context Voice ="1" { \xnotes \ynotes \znotes  }     
   \context Voice ="1" { \xfinger \xfinger \xfinger }
   \context Voice ="1" { \xphrase \xphrase \xphrase }
   \context Voice ="1" { \xslur \xslur \xslur }
  \layout { } 
 \markup \teeny \italic { "A scale with staccato and slurs" }
 \score {
   \context Voice ="1" { \xnotes \ynotes \znotes  }     
   \context Voice ="1" { \xstaccato \xstaccato \xstaccato }
   \context Voice ="1" { \xslur \xslur \xslur }
  \layout { } 
 \markup \teeny \wordwrap-string #
 "In general the results are very excellent!
 However personnaly I would prefer slurs and phrasing slurs to keep a minimal distance at the endings,
 with voiceXXX phrasing slurs and fingering are  messed up,
 and staccato dots are aligned with the noteheads whereas the voiceXXX slurs are aligned with the stems
 - wouldn't it be nicer to have both in the same alignement?" 
} % \book

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