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Re: figured bass lay out problem

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: figured bass lay out problem
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:28:53 +0200
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Laura Conrad wrote:

"Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> writes:

   Mats> If you place the \figures{...} before the bass part in the
   Mats> \score{...}  block, it will be printed above it.

This is true if you aren't using a \context PianoStaff.  When I put
that in to get the curly brackets, it all of a sudden puts my figures
below the staff.
You have to add the following to your file (it should
probably be there by default):
   \accepts "FiguredBass"

   Mats> However, you may also want to use \override
   Mats> BassFigureAlignment #'stacking-dir = #UP

I can't figure out where to put this.  I've tried several places, and
if I have a PianoStaff context, it still insists on putting the
figures below the staff and not between the staves.
Put it inside the \figures{...}. The setting will not solve the
problem you described above, it will just make sure that
the figures are aligned at the bottom line instead of the
top line.


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