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Re: partcombine not giving joy for hymns

From: Ted Walther
Subject: Re: partcombine not giving joy for hymns
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 23:32:13 -0700
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Debian)

Eduardo, thank you for your insightful reply.  I was doing something
similar before, but found it painful.  I really want to keep the voices
properly separated because I am experimenting with orchestration via
midi output right now.  \partcombine with the Devnull trick is "good
enough" right now as far as lyrics go, and produces really good results
as far as typesetting the notes goes.   I hope partcombine and lyricsto
is fixed soon.  I don't have much money but I'm willing to put $$ in the
kitty for such a rewrite.

I read Mats post on Stemming for Hymnal after you mentioned it.  Thank


On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 11:46:28AM -0300, Eduardo Vieira wrote:
  I have found that \partcombine is not the ideal tool for hymns if you
  follow this convention: soprano and alto in the same staff as chords, if
  the interval is of a second or unison, then the stems are split (soprano,
  stem up; alto, stem down).
  Now you have to choices: either typeset the voices like chords (which is
  bit harder), and add new voice layer for the splitted parts. Or use
  something as the example file below:
  This file is a 4-part arrangement in wich soprano and alto are typeset
  separately, and tenor and bass like chords.
  Check the answer Mats gave in the thread "Stemming for Hymnal" on May 23,
  2005 for a better understanding on this (I'm offline now and don't have
  the link, but had this page saved in my reference files). One setback is
  that when there is a tie, you'll have to override the tie direction to
  obtain the same results as if you were typessetting chords.
  Hope this helps while \partcombine is revised.

  %%%% EXAMPLE %%%

  %% Sorry for the messy style %%

  \version "2.8.0"
  #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
  #(set-global-staff-size 16)

  \header {
  title = "Give Me Oil in My Lamp"
  % \include ""
  versum= \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Give me oil in my lamp, oil in my lamp,
  Give me oil in my lamp I pray;
  Give me oil in my lamp, keep me shin -- ing in the camp,
  Un -- til the break of day.

  global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
  \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
  sop = \relative c'' {
  \partial 8*2
  d8 d
  d4 b8 b b2
  a4 g8 e g4 e8 e
  d4 g8 a b4 d
  \bar "" \break
  d8 d
  d4 b8 b b4 g8 g
  a g g e g4 g
  b4. g8 b4 a


  alto = \relative c'' {
  \partial 8*2
  g8 g
  g4 g8 g g2
  e4 e8 c e4 c8 c
  b4 d8 d d4 d
  g8 g
  g4 g8 g g4 << { } \\ { f8 f } >>
  % \oneVoice
  e e e c e4 e
  d4. d8 g4 fis


  basten = \relative c' {
  \partial 8*2
  < g b >8
  < g b >8
  < g b >4
  < g d' >8
  < g d' >8
  < g d' >2
  < c, c' >4
  < c c' >8
  < c g' >8
  < c c' >4
  < c g' >8
  < c g' >8
  < g g' >4
  < b g' >8
  < d fis >8
  << { g4 } \\ { g4 } >>
  < b, g' >4
  < d fis >2.
  < g b >8
  < g b >8
  < g b >4
  < g d' >8
  < g d' >8
  < g d' >4
  < g b >8
  < g b >8
  < c, c' >8
  < c c' >8
  < c c' >8
  < c g' >8
  < c c' >4
  < c g' >4
  < d g >4.
  < d b' >8
  < d d' >4
  < d c' >4
  < g, b' >2.
  \bar "|."

  \score { \context ChoirStaff <<
  \set ChoirStaff.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar
  \override ChoirStaff.SystemStartBar #'thickness = #4
  \override ChoirStaff.SystemStartBar #'padding = #0.5
  \context Staff = mulh {
  \context Voice = mel << \voiceOne \sop \alto >>
  \context Lyrics = stum { \lyricsto mel \versum }
  \context Staff = hom {
  \clef bass
  \context Voice = melb { \basten }

  \midi {
  \layout {
  indent = 0.0\cm

  \context {
  \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1.8)
  \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6
  \context {
  \remove Bar_number_engraver

  \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
  \paper { paper-width = 5.5\in
  paper-height = 8.5\in
  between-system-space = 0.85\cm
  between-system-padding = 0.2\cm
  line-width = 11.5\cm
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  after-title-space = 0.1\cm



It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Ted Walther
Address: 2459 E 41 Ave, Vancouver, BC  V5R2W2 (Canada)
Contact: 604-435-5787

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