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how to have barlines in only one instrument, except ending barline

From: jim altieri
Subject: how to have barlines in only one instrument, except ending barline
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 20:59:28 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060909)

I'm almost done with this score. I'd like to have the vocal line without any barlines, except for the ending barline. So, I can't remove the bar_engraver, otherwise I don't get the ending barline. How do I do that?
jim altieri

\version "2.8.7"

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size "11x17" 'landscape)
   after-title-space = 1\in
   top-margin = 0.5\in

   title = "thirty-two feet per second per second"
      composer = "Jim Altieri"
   tagline =""

melody = \relative c { \clef "G_8"
       \key g \major
\mark \markup { \hspace #0 \raise #3 { Floating ({ \note #"8" #1.0 } "=190") }}
       \bar ""
       \hideNotes e,4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata\p\<
       \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
       \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
       \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
       \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata
       \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
       \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
       \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
       \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
       \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata
       \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
       \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
       \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
       \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
       \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata\!\fff
       \hideNotes d4 \glissando \unHideNotes gis1\fermata
       \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
       \bar "|."
upper = \relative c' {
       \clef treble
       \key g \major
       e8\p [ fis c'] e,[ fis c']
       \bar ":|"
\set crescendoText = \markup { \italic "repeat ad lib. cresc. e accel. poco a poco" }
        \set crescendoSpanner = #'dashed-line
       \hideNotes c4\< \unHideNotes
       \skip 1*82/4
       \bar "|"
       \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
       d,8\!\ff~ [ e~ bes'~] \hideNotes <d, e bes'>4.

lower = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key g \major
        d8\sustainDown[ a'] d,[ a'] d,[ a']
       \skip 1*83/4
       \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
       c,8~ [ g'~] \hideNotes a8 <c, g'>4.\sustainUp

    \score {
          \new Staff <<
           \set Staff.instrument = "Voice "
\new PianoStaff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano"
        \new Staff = "upper" \upper
        \new Staff = "lower"  \lower
      \layout {
       indent = #9
        ragged-right = ##t

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