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Re: how to invoke lilypond from vim

From: Benjamin Esham
Subject: Re: how to invoke lilypond from vim
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 14:45:12 -0500

[Sorry about that… I replied to the sender and forgot to include the list.]

Allan Spagnol Comar wrote:

Good night to all, I was wondering how can I invoke lilypond from vim ? I tried with :make but it invokes gnu make..... I looked at lilypond.vim on compilers folder of vim plugin and it seams to me that what I should do
was just run make .... what did i miss ?

Here's what I've got in my .vimrc for Lilypond:

" process and view PDF of a ly file
nmap <Leader>l :call LilyPondCompileOpen()<CR>

" open this file's corresponding pdf
nmap <Leader>p :call Open_PDF()<CR>

" :: change a file's extension
function! ChangeExt(name, ext)
        let name = substitute(a:name, "\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", "\.".a:ext, "")
        return name

" :: compile and open a LilyPond file
function! LilyPondCompileOpen()

        let pdfname = ChangeExt(expand("%"), "pdf")

exe "!/Applications/ - dno-point-and-click --pdf '%' && open '" . pdfname . "'"

" :: open the PDF associated with this file (used for ly, tex)
function! Open_PDF()
        silent exe ":!open '".ChangeExt(expand("%"), "pdf'")

Benjamin D. Esham
address@hidden  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,
nothing more."                         — Albus Dumbledore in HBP

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