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Re: using bold or smallcaps in lyrics in lilypond-book

From: Karl Hammar
Subject: Re: using bold or smallcaps in lyrics in lilypond-book
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 18:26:31 +0100

> \hspace{1em}
> \begin[fragment, staffsize=16]{lilypond}
>       \new RhythmicStaff {
>               \time 12/8
>       \partial 8
>               d8 d4 d8 d4 d8 d4 d8 d8 d8 d8  d4 d8 d4 d8 d4
>       }
>       \addlyrics{ Some TIME She  USED to PUT me THROUGH the re SPON se sof  
> the MASS }
> \end{lilypond}

I have used fragments like you but more or less always ended up with 
lilypondfile instead, the fragment grows and it it easier to test it as 
a seperate file.

> There are a couple of things I would like to do.
> 1) changing the font of the lyrics and (possibly) use bold or  
> smallcaps in some words.
> In the previous example, I use capitalised words to indicate the  
> stresses (it is an experimental transcription of poetry); I would  
> like to use smallcaps or bold instead. Is it possible? I tried the  
> latex commands, but they do  not work in the lilypond environment.
> Alternatively; I'd be happy with setting the global font to smallcaps.

use e.g. \markup\bold, see Text marup.

> 2) eliminating the staff, or making it invisible.
> I was previously advised to use the \override parameter, but I don't  
> know where (and how) to place it in this short musical fragment.

Remove the fragment option and add \sore { ... \layout { } }.

> The manual did not help.

Under 14.6 Music fragment options, it do tell you that fragment let you
 enter music without entering \score, \layout, etc.
Then, if you need \layout, don't use fragemnt. But one has to figure 
out that by oneself.

Try this:

\version "2.10.1"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\score {
  \new Staff {
    \time 12/8
    \partial 8
    \relative g' {
      g8 g4 g8 g4 g8 g4 g8 g8 g8 g8  g4 g8 g4 g8 g4
    Some \markup\bold TIME She \markup\bold USED to \markup\bold PUT
    me \markup\bold THROUGH the re -- \markup\bold SPON -- se sof the
    \markup\bold MASS
  \layout {
    raggedright = ##t
    indent = 0.0\mm
    \context {
      \remove Staff_symbol_engraver
      \remove Clef_engraver


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