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Re: make ties between notes from different voices

From: Karl Hammar
Subject: Re: make ties between notes from different voices
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:02:34 +0100

> Hi!
> I'd like to know how to put ties between a chord from a single voice
> separating to the same notes but in two differents voice contexts in
> polyphony.
> \version "2.11.9"
> \relative c''
> {
>     \time 3/4
>     r2 <a~ c~ fis~>4
>     <<
>     {fis'4 e fis} \\
>     {<a, c>2.}
>     >>
> }

Isn't it easier to split in voices earlier? And then you can 
proceed in two ways:

\version "2.11.9"

\layout {
  raggedright = ##t
  indent = 0

global = { \clef treble \time 3/4 }
top = \relative c'' { fis4~ fis e fis }
bot = \relative c'' { <a c>4~ <a c>2. }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    % to supress the text "solo" over the e
    \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
    r2^\markup { "\\partcombine" } \partcombine { \top } { \bot }
    r2^\markup { "<< \\\\ >>" } << \top \\ \bot >>

Note, with the partcombiner there is more space bofore the e.


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