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Re: Chordal polyphony - suggestion

From: Tomas Valusek
Subject: Re: Chordal polyphony - suggestion
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 21:17:33 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)


poor copyist of works by Smetana or Rachmaninoff - the code would be cluttered with \stemXXX commands, effectively loosing LilyPond's automatic stem directioning ... :-(

Tomas Valusek

Frédéric Chiasson napsal(a):
Like Tomas, I would very much like to be able to tie notes from two or
more voices, to the single note or chord following (or preceding) those
momentary or temporary voices.

It is possible to do this with the actual code. Karl gave me this trick.

To make two voices look like they are in the same chord, put \stemUp
or \stemDown (depending on the situation) to one of the voices, then
put \stemDown (or \stemUp) to separate them again. The stems of both
voices are perfectly merged, so it looks like a single voice chord.

Here is an example :

\version "2.11.11"

\relative c''
    <c e g>2
        %this note is with the chord
        \stemDown g'2~ |
        %this one is in a separate voice
        \stemUp g2~
        %this one is with the chord again
        \stemDown g2
    } \\
        <c, e>2~ |
        <c e>4 <b d>
        <c e>2
<c e g>2 %don't need to use \stemUp or \stemDown again, since the voice outside
    % the << >> is a different voice than the voices inside.
    % (See Section 6.3.3 - Basic Polyphony, in the User's manual)

Maybe not "ethical" but the result is perfect!


Frédéric Chiasson

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