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Re: Analysis Brackets

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: Analysis Brackets
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:59:18 -0600

On 2/12/07, Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> wrote:
Trevor Bača wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Actually, you can stick an override in the note entry of the music
> itself if you want to.
> In fact, there are three override locations. All three override
> locations are equivalent:
> 1. In a \context block (which lives within the a \layout block)
> 2. In a \with block (which follows context instantiation immediately)
> 3. In the note entry of the actual music
> 1. Here's an override in a \context block, as before:
>     \score {
>       \relative c'' {
>         c4\startGroup\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup
>         c4\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup\stopGroup
>       }
>       \layout {
>         \context {
>           \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
>           \override HorizontalBracket #'direction = #up
>     }}}
> 2. Here's an override in a \with block:
> \score {
>   \new Staff \with {
>      \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
>      \override HorizontalBracket #'direction = #up
>    } {
>      \relative c'' {
>         c4\startGroup\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup
>         c4\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup\stopGroup
>       }
>   }
> }
> 3. And here's an override in the note entry of the music itself:
> \score {
>   \new Staff \with {
>      \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
>   } {
>      \override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'direction = #up
>      \relative c'' {
>         c4\startGroup\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup
>         c4\startGroup
>         c4\stopGroup\stopGroup
>       }
>   }
> }
> Gurus, are there any other override locations? Or just these three?

Well, you could also use \tweak and you have two variations of
alternative 1. - placing the \layout block outside or inside the \score
(hmm, if you have a \book block in your file, then you have three
possible levels for your \layout block).
Matthew, don't worry if you don't follow all the details here.

WARNING: what follows is minutiae and not necessary for forming good \overrides.

Mats - I follow you on the \layout part; \layout blocks can go at any
of three levels: score-level, book-level or top-level. So that part
makes sense.

But how can you get \tweak to work for something like
HorizontalBracket? My understanding of \tweak comes down to one of two
different things: either for stuff "connected directly to input" (like
notes of a chord, as the docs say) or stuff that "happens at the same
moment" (which is my understanding, and useful for tweaking nested
tuplet brackets beginning at the same moment).

Could you shoot over a quick ex with \tweak for the HorizontalBracket
stuff that Matt was asking about?

Trevor Bača

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