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Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

From: Joe Neeman
Subject: Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 20:29:43 +0000

On 2/16/07, Michael David Crawford <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Again,

I'm trying to typeset one of my songs so it will fit on a CD case
insert.  I presently print one side of a piece of paper with the label,
cut it to size and fold it in half to insert in the jewel case.  I'd
like to have the score to one of my songs printed on the side that's
presently blank.

Space is at a premium, so I'm fiddling extensively with all the spacing
variables I can.  I'm now able to fit my song in the desired space, but
only by using:

#(set-global-staff-size 11.22)

As recommended in the doc at 11.2.1 Setting the staff size.

This makes the notes very small and hard to read.  However, there is a
lot of unused space between the upper and lower staffs of my PianoStaff.
  I can't figure out how to adjust it - if I could make it smaller, I
could make the staff size above larger, and the notes easier to read.

A new feature of the development version is that systems will be stretched to better fill the page. So if you increase the font-size, the amount of space between systems will decrease automatically. You can control the amount of stretching by adding
\layout {
  \context {
    \override VerticalAlignment #'max-stretch = #some-number

Also, if you set
\paper {
  ragged-bottom = ##t
then the systems won't be stretched at all. The max-stretch property isn't documented yet, but it will be soon.


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