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Aligning Square (Vaticana) notes with modern notation in separate staves

From: anders stenberg
Subject: Aligning Square (Vaticana) notes with modern notation in separate staves
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 16:15:18 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

Hi everybody!

I have just more or less finished a critical edition/ transcription of one of the Cantigas de Santa Maria. That meant putting two different Vaticana staffs and one normal staff in the same score. Eg. entering The notes from the two main sources in square notation and a interpretation of the semi rytmicnotation in the sources in modern notation. The problem so fare is: as the square notes takes about the same space as one quarter in modern notation disregarding if the sign is punctum inclinatum, punctum or virga. (As far as I understand this is true also in Ligatures.) Now if the virga is interpreted as a long note and punktum as short eg. halfnote and quarter note the notes in the square note staffs will not align with the modern notation after a halfnote is entered in the modern staff. Temporaly I solwed this by adding s4 after apropriate notes in the Vaticana staff's. See the following snipp:

escorial =  \new VaticanaVoice = "Escorial"
          \set Staff.instrumentName="Esc-Codex"
          \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Esc "
          \set VaticanaStaff.middleCPosition = #2
\set VaticanaStaff.clefPosition = #2 \[g\]\[ a\melisma \flexa b \melismaEnd \] \[ c' \]
          \[ \virga a\] s4 \[ b \]
          \[ \virga c' \] s4 \[ \virga d' \] s4 \divisioMaior
s4 d' \[ d' \melisma \flexa c'\melismaEnd \] \[ a \] \[ b\melisma \auctum \ascendens b\melismaEnd \] a \[ \virga g \] \[ a\melisma \flexa \deminutum g\melismaEnd \] \[ \virga f\] s4
escorialVers = \lyricmode
       Nas m^ -- tes sen -- pre -- te^ -- er.
      de -- ve -- mo -- las sas fei^ -- "[tu]" -- ras

toledo =
        \new VaticanaVoice = "Toledo" {
       \set Staff.instrumentName="To- codex"
       \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "To "
       \set VaticanaStaff.middleCPosition = #2
\set VaticanaStaff.clefPosition = #2 \[ g \] \[ a\melisma \flexa b \melismaEnd \] \[ \inclinatum c'\]
    \[ a \] s4 \[ \inclinatum b \] \[ c' \] s4 \[d' \] s4
s4 \[ d' \] \[ d'\melisma \flexa c'\melismaEnd \] \[ a \] \[ b \] s4 \[ \inclinatum a \]
        \[ g \] \[ a \melisma \flexa g\melismaEnd \] \[ f \] s4
} toledoVers = \lyricmode {
       Nas me^ -- tes sen -- pre te^ -- er
      de -- ve -- mo las sas fei -- tu -- ras

transcriptI =
   \relative c' {
          \partial 4*1
          a( b) c a2 b4
          c2 d r4 d4
          d4( c) a b2 a4
          g4. a8( g4) f2

transcriptVers = \lyricmode {
          Nas men -- tes sen -- pre te -- ner
          de ve -- mo -- las sas fei -- tu -- ras.


transcript  =  \new Staff {
   \new Voice = "Transcript" {
          \set Staff.instrumentName="Transcript"
          \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Tr. "
          \clef "treble"
          \key c \major
          \time 6/4
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Transcript" {

\score {
      \new VaticanaStaff \with {\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #5 }

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Escorial" {
      \new VaticanaStaff \with {\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #5 }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Toledo" {


\layout {
        indent = 20.0
} I only wonder: Is there a more elegant solution? Its not only a eastetical quiz: If I also print the Vaticana "parts" separatly the extra spaces are just that: extra spaces botching the normal spacing of the notes and giving things a rather weirdo look when not in the mixed scorecontext. Its also a bother to have to edit in/ out the extra spaces and somewath time consuming as I had to process the score at least a few extra times (at least this first time) to get alignement and overall look right.


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