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note collisions, relative pitches and to many columns

From: David Fedoruk
Subject: note collisions, relative pitches and to many columns
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 12:13:47 -0700


More Scarlatti; In looking at this score what now jumps out at me is
that this is really 3 voice polyphony forced onto two staves for the
keyboard player. I don't know if that bit of information can  be used
to typeset this more efficiently or not.

The problem which now crops up is this: If the grace note is correctly
placed and the octaves in the correct register I get "warning:
ignoring too many clashing note columns" from the shell. This produces
an c's in unison an octave apart because of to many columns. If I
move the grace note to the other voice to correct, the problem is
simply reversed.  If I then add an octave correction to the C2 in bar
22 and make it c,2, its no better and the next bars are one octave to
low. So it goes, no matter now I try to get this not collision to
work, something else goes wrong. This is the offending bit of code:


    upper = \relative c'' {
       \clef treble
       \key e \major
       \time 3/4
        e, b'' gs  e b gs |                                     % Bar 19
    e8 b fs  r4 r8 \bar "||"       % Bar 20
      \key e \minor r8  b''8 \grace a16 g8  fs e d | % Bar 21
      \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
      << {  \grace b16  c2 \stemUp  a'4 ~ | a8 a g  fs b a | } \\
% bar 22 bar 23
                   { c2. \stemDown                | b,2. }
           g'8  b  \grace a16 g8 fs  e d |              % bar 24
             \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
                 << { c2  a'4 ~ |a8  c b a  d c  | }
                        { \grace b16 c2.  | d2.  | }                    % bar 
25 bar 26


    lower = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key e \major
       \time 3/4

        e4   r4  r4 |                                                   % Bar 
        r4  r8 e' b fs \bar "||"                              % Bar 20        
        \key e \minor e4 r4 r  |                                        % Bar 
        r8 a''8 fs8 ds  c b |                                   % Bar 22
        b,,2.                           |                                       
% Bar 23        
        e4  r4  r               |                                               
% Bar 24        
        r8  a''8 fs ds cs b |                                   % bar 25
        d,,2.  |                                                                
% bar 26


    \score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
          \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
          \new Staff = "upper" \upper
          \new Staff = "lower" \lower
       \layout { }
       \midi { }

Thanks for any help,


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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