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Re: Space in markup using \char

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 15:13:22 +0200

007/7/3, Palmer, Ralph <address@hidden>:

Searching the LSR for "\char" and for "\concat" both turned up the same
(single) snippet:

Obviously, something went wrong when I added the snippet a few hours
ago: the LSR is running 2.10, so I had to comment the relevant lines.

I still have not found a combination that produces " più f "; that is, piu
(with accent grave) in italics, followed by a space, followed by the dynamic
mark for forte. The closest I can get is to either ignore the accent grave
over the "u" or to allow a space between the "i" and the "ù". If anyone else
can come up with a solution, please let me know. If and when I get a
solution, I will be happy to try to submit it to the LSR.

Here is the snippet, based on Steven's answer. It works here; if it
doesn't work on your box, you will have to install LilyPond 2.11


\layout {
      ragged-right = ##t

      c'1^\markup "Without \concat" |
      d'2_\markup {{\italic{"pi"\char #'249 }}{\dynamic {" f"}}} c'2 |
      c'1^\markup "With \concat" |
      d'2_\markup { \italic { \concat { "pi" \char #'249 }
}{\dynamic{" f"}}} c'2 |

Regards, Valentin

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