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RE: Space in markup using \char

From: Palmer, Ralph
Subject: RE: Space in markup using \char
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:53:23 -0400

Greetings -

I upgraded to 2.11.27, and was successful, using \concat.

I did not run convert-ly, but the file was interpreted correctly, and there was no version error message in the log file. Is it not necessary to convert .ly files for the development version if you've been running the most recent stable version?


-----Original Message-----
From: Valentin Villenave [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:13 AM
To: Palmer, Ralph
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Space in markup using \char

007/7/3, Palmer, Ralph <address@hidden>:

> Searching the LSR for "\char" and for "\concat" both turned up the
> same
> (single) snippet:

Obviously, something went wrong when I added the snippet a few hours
ago: the LSR is running 2.10, so I had to comment the relevant lines.

> I still have not found a combination that produces " più f "; that is,
> piu (with accent grave) in italics, followed by a space, followed by
> the dynamic mark for forte. The closest I can get is to either ignore
> the accent grave over the "u" or to allow a space between the "i" and
> the "ù". If anyone else can come up with a solution, please let me
> know. If and when I get a solution, I will be happy to try to submit it to the LSR.

Here is the snippet, based on Steven's answer. It works here; if it doesn't work on your box, you will have to install LilyPond 2.11 version.


\layout {
       ragged-right = ##t

       c'1^\markup "Without \concat" |
       d'2_\markup {{\italic{"pi"\char #'249 }}{\dynamic {" f"}}} c'2 | } {
       c'1^\markup "With \concat" |
       d'2_\markup { \italic { \concat { "pi" \char #'249 } }{\dynamic{" f"}}} c'2 | } %%%%

Regards, Valentin

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