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odd staff spacing on 2nd page

From: Jay Hamilton
Subject: odd staff spacing on 2nd page
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 14:47:51 -0700

The space between the staves on page one are quite wide but ok however the 
second page they are considerably closer together.  Is this correct?  Or did I 
do something to cause this?

\version "2.10.25"
\header {
  title = "Sketch 1"
  subtitle = "for guitar for now"
  composer = "Jay Hamilton"
    copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
        {  "CC lic 2.5 some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2007"
               } }
melody = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
#(set-global-staff-size 28)
\override Staff.Timesignature #' style = #' ()
g16-3 [c-4 es!-1 g] fis!-4 [c-3] a'-2 [fis!-4] g [c-1 bes!-3 a-2] 
fis!8-4\fermata \bar "|"
g16 [c bes! a] fis! [c es!] g,[ (bes!] a8)\fermata 
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.2
\acciaccatura {\stemDown g16-1_\markup {\tiny \italic "on E"} 
[bes!]\stemNeutral} a8\fermata^\markup {\italic short} \bar "|"
a'16\p bes! g fis! c' es,! c' d es!4 
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.2
\acciaccatura {\stemDown bes!16_\markup {\tiny \italic "on G"} 
([g]\stemNeutral} a8)\fermata^\markup {\italic short} \acciaccatura {\stemDown 
bes!16 ([g]\stemNeutral} a8)\bar "|"
c16_\markup {\italic "a bit slower"} [c d a] c [bes!8.]\fermata^\markup 
{\italic short} a16 [a bes! fis!] bes! ([a] es!8)\fermata^\markup {\italic 
short}\bar "|"
d16 [g fis! es!] c [es! d bes!] a16 ([c] bes!4) \acciaccatura {\stemDown a16 
([c]\stemNeutral} bes!4)\fermata^\markup {\italic short}\bar "|"
g16 [c es! g] fis! [c a'] fis!_\markup {\italic accel.} ([g c bes! a])\bar "|" 
fis! ([g c bes! a]) fis! ([g c bes! a]) bes!_\markup {\italic "rit!"} ([c] 
d8)\fermata\bar "|"
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.5
\times 2/3 {es!16-4^\markup{\italic"a tempo" }bes!-2 es! bes! es! bes!} fis!-3 
[g] \times 2/3 {c-1 a-2 c a c a} \times 2/3 {es!8 [fis! es!]} c4 \times 2/3 
{es!8 [fis! es!]}\bar "|"
\acciaccatura {\stemDown d8^\markup {\italic "on D"}\stemNeutral} a'4 
\acciaccatura {\stemDown d,8 \stemNeutral} g4 d16 [bes'!8.] 
c8\glissando^\markup {\teeny \italic "gliss"} a4 \bar "|"
g,16 [ c es! g] fis!4 g16 [ bes!-2 d-3 fis!-1] es!4-4 \bar "|"
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.8
d16^\markup {\tiny \italic "Alternative to play these on G and D strings for 
next 3 measures"} [c\< bes! c] d [a bes! c] d [g, a bes!] c4 \bar "|" d16 [c 
bes! c] d [a bes! c] d [g, a bes!] c4 \bar "|" d16 [c bes! c] d [a bes! c] d 
[g, a bes!] c4\! \bar "|"
bes!8\mf [a] g [fis!] c' [es,!] c' (d,4) ~ <d a'>\fermata \bar "|"
g8^\markup {" Rit."} [c] es,! [g] fis! [c'] a (fis'!4.)\bar "|" <g,, g' g'>1 
\bar "|."


\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }
\midi { }


Jay Hamilton

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