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Re: Page layout - move score blocks

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: Page layout - move score blocks
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:16:57 +0200

2007/7/18, Charlotte <address@hidden>:
Hi all,

Forgive a newbie's potentially stupid question. This is my first excursion into
Lily, or Scheme, or LaTeX etc. - or in fact anything remotely Unix. I'm running
LY on both my Windoze XP machine, and my OSX Mac.

I'm using LP to typeset a set of Preces and Responses for use in the Anglican
church. For each response there is a cantor incipit, immediately followed by a
choral response of 2-3 bars. I've successfully used gregorian notation to set
the cantor parts, and by putting both \score blocks in a \markup block, got the
cantor and choral sections to appear on one line.

However, I have three problems:
ii) the cantor staff needs to be vertically aligned with the bottom line of the
(3-stave) ChoirStaff. How do I do this?

Unfortunately, I haven't found any automatic solution (maybe it would
be possible to create a dummy invisible staff below the two blocks,
and align them both as separate markups, but this is an heavy tweak).

i) there needs to be a gap between the end of the cantor staff and the
ChoirStaff. (At present, the ChoirStaff is almost overlapping with the cantor's
staff, cutting off the \finalis.) The ChoirStaff should be right-aligned on the
page - so that all the ChoirStaves line up along the right margin, regardless
of where they start in the middle of the page, following the cantor line.

use \fill-line (see below)

iii) I'm using identical \layout blocks in each \score section (of which there
are well over 20). This can't be the best way, surely?

Sure; the \layout doesn't need to be in each score block. You can
define it at the top of your file, like you do with  \paper, and then
simply add an empty \layout {} in each \score block.

Any suggestions anyone can make as to how to sort out the oddly thick note-
stems and final double-bar elements would also be gratefully received.

Here's your snippet:

\version "2.10.25"
\include ""
\paper {
      #(set-default-paper-size "a4" "portrait")
      between-system-padding = #0.1
              between-system-space = #0.1
              ragged-last-bottom = ##t
              ragged-bottom = ##t

\header {
      title = "Preces and Responses"
      composer = "C. Mercer"
      dedication = ""
      copyright = "C. Mercer 2007"

\layout { \context {      \Staff
                      % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)
              \context { \Lyrics
                      \override LyricText #'font-size = #-2 \override
LyricSpace #'minimum-distance =#1.2
                      \consists "Bar_engraver"
                      \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
                      \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
               \context { \Score
                       \override Stem #'thickness = #0.8

%notes and words
global = {
      \key c \minor
      \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #all-invisible

cantor = {
      \clef bass
      \key c \minor
      \set Score.timing = ##f
      \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #all-invisible
              \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

% O Lord open ...
   CMOLordOpen = \relative c' {g4 c2 bes4 c  \finalis
   OLordOpen = \lyricmode  {O
\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X =#-1
"Lord, open Thou" our lips

% And our mouths...
   SMAndOurMouths = \relative c'' {f,4 g \bar "|" c2 c4 \bar "|" es d c( bes)
\bar "|"c2  \bar "||"
   AMAndOurMouths = \relative c' {c4 ees8[ d] d4( c) g' g f es( d ) c2
   TMAndOurMouths = \relative c' {aes4 bes aes2 f4 aes bes c( bes) g2
    BMAndOurMouths = \relative c {f4 f ees2 bes4 c ees f( g) g2
   AndOurMouths = \lyricmode {And our mouths shall shew forth Thy praise

%O Lord open thou / And our mouths
\markup { \fill-line {
        \translate #(cons 0 -24.5){
        \score {
              \new Staff = cantor <<
              \new Voice ="COLordOpen" { << \cantor \CMOLordOpen >> }
              \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=cantor} \lyricsto
COLordOpen  \OLordOpen

      \layout {

      \score {
      \new ChoirStaff <<
                      \new Staff = sops <<
                      \new Voice = "SrespAndOurMouths" { << \global
\SMAndOurMouths >> }
                       \new Lyrics \lyricsto SrespAndOurMouths \AndOurMouths

              \new Staff = alto <<
                      \new Voice = "ArespAndOurMouths" { << \global
\AMAndOurMouths >> }
               \new Lyrics \lyricsto ArespAndOurMouths \AndOurMouths

                      \new Staff = men <<
                      \clef bass
                      \new Voice = "TrespAndOurMouths" { \voiceOne <<\global
\TMAndOurMouths >> }
                      \new Voice = "BrespAndOurMouths" { \voiceTwo <<\global
\BMAndOurMouths >> }
                      \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=men} \lyricsto
TrespAndOurMouths \AndOurMouths
              \new Lyrics \lyricsto BrespAndOurMouths \AndOurMouths

      \layout {

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