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Re: Interpreter Reports: "Programming Error: Moment Not Increasting"

From: Andy Cowan
Subject: Re: Interpreter Reports: "Programming Error: Moment Not Increasting"
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 11:47:36 -0400

Thanks Valentin,

So, looking at what you sent me, it looks like I can \addlyrics to the repeated music, but not to the alternative(s).  Is that right?

Also, can you explain exactly what the << >> grouping symbols do?  I've tried to use them similarly to how the examples in the documentation do, but I haven't found a good explanation to indicate when and how they _should_ be used. 

And one final question: the first \addlyrics in this file is commented out because when I tried to add lyrics for the pickup notes at the beginning of the son, lilypond put them on the first two notes of the first full bar instead.  I tried putting in an \addlyrics immediately after the \partial, but that generated a syntax error.  What is the proper method for adding lyrics to the pickup notes at the beginning of a song?

Thanks for all the help,


On 8/5/07, Valentin Villenave <address@hidden> wrote:
2007/8/5, Andy Cowan <address@hidden >:

> Can somebody help me to understand what's going on here?

In case of a repeat with alternatives, you can't any longer use the
\addlyrics shortcut; you have to explicitly create a voice, name it,
and link the lyrics to it using
\lyricsto voicename.

Besides, since the \break command is not a music _expression_ by itself,
you have to include it in an existing music _expression_ (hence the
braces at the bottom of the file below).

There were a few structure errors in your file; here's a corrected version.


% Oh, Susanna
% Key of D Major

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\paper { system-count = 6 }

Verses = {
        << \relative d' {
  \clef treble
  \key d \major
  \time 4/4
  \partial 4 d8 e
  %\addlyrics { I _ }

  \repeat volta 2 {
    fis4 a a4. b8
    a4 fis d4. e8
    fis4 fis e d
    e2. d8 e
    fis4 a a4. b8
    a4 fis d4. e8
    fis4 fis e e
  \alternative {
    { d2. d8e }
    { \new Voice = "alternative"  d1 \bar "||"}
  \addlyrics {
   I __ _ come from A -- la -- ba -- ma with my ban -- jo on my knee.
    and I'm goin' to Lou -- si -- an -- a my __ _ true love for to see. It _
  \addlyrics {
    _ _ rained so hard the day I left the wea -- ther it was dry.
    The _ sun so hot, I froze to death, Su -- san -- na don't you }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto alternative \lyricmode { cry. }

Refrain = {
        << \relative g' {
  \repeat volta 2 {
    b4 b2 b4
    a4 a fis d
    e2. d8 e
    fis4 a a4. b8
    a4 fis d4. e8
    fis4 fis e e
  \addlyrics {
    Oh, Su -- san -- na, oh don't you cry for me.
   For I come from A -- la -- ba -- ma my __ _ true love for to see.

\header {
  title = "Oh, Susanna"
  composer = "Stephen Foster, 1848"

\new Staff {\Verses \break }

\new Staff \Refrain

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