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Re: Battle of the beginning of a measure: Rehearsal marks vs. Manual vol

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: Battle of the beginning of a measure: Rehearsal marks vs. Manual volta brackets
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 14:18:33 +0100

Hi Romel,

How do I make the volta stretch to the beginning of the measure?

You can stop the rehearsal mark influencing the volta's spacing by overriding its X-extent property:

\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)

Assuming your snippet shows where you want the coda mark printed, it's just a matter of tweaking the values in \translate:

\translate #(cons - 5.5 6.5)

Would it work if I were to remove the Coda from space calculations by \overriding the TextScript's #'extra-offset?

 I doubt that would work, since #'extra-offset is applied after the spacing calculations have finished.


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