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Re:GDP: summary and directions, 11 Sep ( Trevor Ba?a )

From: Jay Hamilton
Subject: Re:GDP: summary and directions, 11 Sep ( Trevor Ba?a )
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 19:36:23 -0700

I have absolutely no time to offer real help but Trevor's idea is one I 
heartily endorse.
It's where I spend most of my time in search and would be the most used.  In 
general the questions I have to ask the forum fall outside that 'chapter'.
Also like more verbose TOC, btw I use the pdf version it's just easier than the 
online one.

Jay Hamilton

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:18:22 -0500
From: " Trevor Ba?a " <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: GDP: summary and directions, 11 Sep
To: "Graham Percival" <address@hidden>
Cc: lily-devel <address@hidden>,        lilypond-user Mailinglist
> commands.  Do you want to only see "Printing repeats" in the table of
> contents, or do you want to see
>         x.y  Printing repeats
>                 Repeat types
>                 Repeat syntax
>                 ...
> (without any x.y.z numbers)

I vote for the more verbose form of the TOC.

Oooh. You know what's emerging as a really nice pattern? The 24 (or
so) sections in "Notation" taken together with Text looks like it
might make an almost perfect Notation Reference. So would it be
insanely crazy to bind (metaphorically speaking) those 25 chapters
together into a single manual, cut everything else out, and call that
our Notation Reference? It sounds like it would be really beautiful.


> Notation Reference
>         1 Pitches
>         2 Rhythms
> ....
>         25 Text

That'd be very very cool imo.

That then leaves the question of what to do with the other stuff. What
about this?

  * Spacing: recast as a separate manual called Page Layout
  * Input and output: move to Program Usage
  * Changing defaults: move to Program Reference
  * Interfaces for programmers: move to Program Reference

That would then leave the following separate books:

  * Learning Manual (4 or 5 chapters)
  * Notation Reference (25 chapters)
  * Page Layout (handful of chapters)
  * Program Usage (6 chapters)
  * Program Reference (15 chapters)

Probably the radical idea here is elevating spacing to stauts of its
own manual. But I think it makes sense -- seems to me that I'm either
hunting notation-related grob settings xor figuring out how to move
staves and systems apart, but not both at the same time.

The coolest thing here is the possibility of a solid, 25-chapter NR.
That's slick.

Trevor Ba��a

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