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Re: make score be line break aware

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: make score be line break aware
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 12:19:51 -0500

On 10/1/07, Francisco Vila <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello.
> Is this possible? I want to typeset something (like a spanner or a
> different height of the lyrics baseline) that I want to last only
> until it reaches the next line break.
> If only I could explain it well, it would be a sort of intelligent
> tweak that 'knows' when a line break has happened and it then kills
> himself. There would be as liquid layout as possible meaning that
> layout does not interfere with content, i.e. making an explicit \break
> would not be an optimal solution.
> BTW this is about my project with alternate lyrics. The original score
> I have does this because the mid-hight lyrics baseline (after the two
> alternatives) is not needed anymore after the line break. I could
> attach a scan if you want.

Hi Francisco,

This sounds but. But this might be a breadcrumb: text spanners and
glissandi now support 'bound-details 'left-broken and 'bound-details
'right-broken (sub)attributes. You can use these attributes to make
*text* go away after a line break, like in this example.

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.11.25"

\new Staff {
   \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup { "start" }
   \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left-broken #'text = ##f
   c'1 \startTextSpan
   c'1 \stopTextSpan

%%% END %%%

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make the *spanner itself* disappear
after the line break ...

Trevor Bača

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