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Re: typeset lyrics

From: Ole Schmidt
Subject: Re: typeset lyrics
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 17:10:19 +0100

Am 02.11.2007 um 15:13 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

Another point are the rules of  the \relative mode when you have polyphony/chord constructions (how to use , and ' properly)

Could you please check the following draft of the new revised manual

and see if it provides the relevant information:

here I find immediatly:

If the preceding item is a chord, the first note of the chord is used as the reference point for the octave placement of a following note or chord:

but because I mixed up chords and polyphony I also need:

Polyphony does not change the relationship of notes within a \relative { } block. Each note is calculated relative to the note immediately preceding it.

\relative { noteA << noteB \\ noteC >> noteD }

noteC is relative to noteB, not noteA; noteD is relative to noteC, not noteB or noteA. 

(from the new manual 3.2.1 "I'm seeing Voices")

These issues are described to some extent in the section on "Explicitly instantiating

this chapter indeed answers my questions

thank you for the help


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