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Re: LilyPond in the AEC congress, Strasbourg

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Re: LilyPond in the AEC congress, Strasbourg
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 13:46:40 +0100

2007/11/14, Valentin Villenave <address@hidden>:
> 2007/11/14, Francisco Vila <address@hidden>:
> > Consider it as Public Domain. Here is a link to the latex-beamer source 
> > code:
> >
> >
> Great! I have translated it, but AFAICT a picture is missing: imagen1.png

Put whatever PNG image you want here: it will appear on front cover.
It was a draft for the one appearing in our home page (which I also
built and maintain)

> > I'm afraid all I have are some out-of-focus pictures, no video. For a
> > live presentation you could add "it is...", "it has...", "it has
> > been..." before each line and very short comments after.
> Yes, I get it. I will (but I don't know how to make the presentation
> as a video file, all I can get is a PDF; how do you manage the slides
> etc? What's needed?).

You need one of these:

Connect it to the monitor output of a PC. Just open the file with your
favourite PDF viewer. With evince you can press F5 to switch on
presentation mode. Pass slides witk the spacebar, rigth arrow, down
arrow, or Return keys.

I must say that fot the Strasbourg presentation they converted my neat
PDF to PowerPoint, and overlays (\pauses) were lost. Not a grave
issue, though.

> Besides, I could use more informations about the situation at Badajoz;
> do pupils use LilyPond?

What else could they use? ;-) Students do not have the money to buy
Finale and nor I neither my institution are going to give them it.
And, I think LilyPond is better.

>Are there political decisions behind it?

As for the statement in page 24 of 29 of my PDF, yes. They even made a
new Linux distribution, gnuLinEx. Then I said to myself: if public
elementary schools dive into Linux, I could dive into LilyPond! It has
been a decission only of me and AFAICT we are the first conservatoire
in Spain to do it.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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