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StaffSymbol objects are created by: Staff_symbol_engraver and Tab_staff_symbol_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

line-count (integer):

The number of staff lines.

ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers):
'(1.0 . 0.1)

The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The first is the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both contributions are added.

layer (number):

The output layer (a value between 0 and 2: Layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-interface, spanner-interface and grob-interface

Next: , Previous: StaffSpacing, Up: All layout objects

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