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Re: moving dynamics

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: moving dynamics
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:56:50 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)

Note that LilyPond would have avoided these collisions itself, if you had
included the dynamics in the same Voice context that contains the notes that
cause the collisions. However, since you use the <<{...} \\ {...} >> construct
only at selected places, it would require some major restructuring of your
Also, if you upgrade to a recent 2.11.x version, then the collisions are
avoided automatically.

For the crescendo, note that you still need to use \< ... \! to get the actual
crescendo, the \setTextCresc command just tells LilyPond how the next
crescendo should be typeset.


Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Mats,
sorry, I thought the information I gave was enough.
Below I woll quote the complete file.
The problem is:
I can't move the dynamic vertically.
I tried it with different contexts in the override commando, but
without any success. Ans the "crescendo" has now disappeared, I dont
know why.
Here the complete file (as You can see, I need it for Christmas):

\version "2.10.10"

#(set-global-staff-size 20)
Primorechts = \relative c''{ \repeat "unfold" 2 {a2. g4} a4 a8 b c4 b a g e2 \break %4
\repeat "unfold" 2 {a2.  g4} fis4 fis8 e fis4 g a b a8 g fis e d'4 c8
b a2 \break%10
d8 c d c a2 d4 c8 b c4 d e2. b4 e2. b4 e b e b %15
e4 d c b \break \repeat "unfold" 2 {a2.  g4} a4 a8 b c4 b a4 a8 g
\override TextSpanner #'direction = #1
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rit. " . "")
fis \startTextSpan e fis g \stopTextSpan a1
\fermata \bar " |. "  } %ende

Primolinks = { \clef bass \transpose c c, {\Primorechts} }

bassanfang = \relative a, {
 \repeat "unfold" 2 { <a e'>2  <bes d> }
 <a e'>  <aes es'>  <a d>  << { es'4 (  des8  es8) } \\ { bes2} >>
\repeat "unfold" 2 { <a e'>2  <bes d> }  <b cis>2  <ais dis>  <a e'>
<b fis'> }        

Secondorechts= \relative c { \clef bass \bassanfang \repeat "unfold" 2 { << { g'1 }\\ {c,4 ( cis d es) } >> }
                << { g2.( gis4 )} \\ {c, ( cis d dis) } >>
                 \repeat "unfold" 3 { <e a>4 (  <es aes>  <d g>  <des ges> ) }
 <e a>4--  <ais, f'>--  <b fis'>--  <cis gis'>--
 \repeat "unfold" 2 { << {e2. ( d4) } \\ {a8 ( c a c a c bes c)} >> }
         <a e'>8 (  <des f>)  <a e'> (  <bes d>)  <aes es'> ( <bes des> ) <g
d'> ( <a c>)
 <fis cis'>   ( <g d'> )  <bis cis>(  <b d> )  <ais dis>4-- <b! d>--
<a e'>1 \fermata  \bar "|."
Secondolinks = \relative c, { \clef bass \transpose c c, {\bassanfang} \repeat "unfold" 3 { << {f4 ( as g ges) }\\ {bes,1} >> } %takt12
        \repeat "unfold" 3 { << {f'4 ( fis g as) } \\ { bes,1 } >> }
         <bes f'>4--  <c g'>-- <b fis'>-- <gis dis'>--
         << {\repeat "unfold" 3 {e'8  ( dis} d dis ) \repeat "unfold" 3 {e8
( dis} d dis ) } \\ { \repeat "unfold" 2 { a2.( bes4) } } >>
         <a e'>8 (  <des f>)  <a e'> (  <bes d>)  <aes es'> ( <bes des> ) <g
d'> ( <a c>)
         < cis fis,>2 <dis gis,>4-- <f bes,>-- <e a,>1 \fermata

dynamik = { \override Voice.DynamicLineSpanner #'extra-offset =
#'(-7.0 . 0.0) s1\f s1*10 s1\setTextCresc s1*3 s1\ff}

\score { << \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "Primorechts" \relative c'' {
\Primorechts }
                    \context Staff = "Primorechts" \dynamik
                \new Staff = "Primolinks" \Primolinks >>
\new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "Secondorechts" \Secondorechts
                        \context Staff = "Secondorechts" \dynamik
                                \new Staff = "Secondolinks"
\Secondolinks  >>

\header {title = "Auf dem Ritterturnier"
composer = "Stefan Thomas" subtitle= "Fuer Jonathan zu Weihnachen 2007" }
Mats Bengtsson schrieb am 16.12.2007:
If you tell what you want to achieve, it's much easier to
provide a relevant answer. Also, it helps if the example
code you include in your email can be compiled as it is.

However, as far as I can remember, there's no point in
specifying a padding value less than 0. Also, I hope you
have noticed the staff-padding property that tells the
minimum distance to the closest staff line (in contrast
to padding which specifies the minimum distance to
any object).

Finally, please always tell what LilyPond version you
are using. The positioning of objects around staves
has changed dramatically from the latest stable version,
2.10 to the development version 2.11.


Stefan Thomas wrote:

Dear Lilypondusers,
I have a problem with moving the dynamics generally. I dont't
understand why this doesnt make any effect:

dynamik = { \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #-2.0 \override
DynamicText #'padding =#2.1 s1\f s1*10 s1\setTextCresc s1*3 s1\ff}

\score { << \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "Primorechts" \relative c'' {
\Primorechts }
                   \context Staff = "Primorechts" \dynamik
                \new Staff = "Primolinks" \Primolinks >>
\new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "Secondorechts" \Secondorechts
                        \context Staff = "Secondorechts" \dynamik
                               \new Staff = "Secondolinks"
\Secondolinks  >>
Sorry for boring You again with my greenhorn-questions.

lilypond-user mailing list
        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

Stefan Thomas
Siebengebirgsallee 9
50939 Koeln
mail: address@hidden

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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