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re: positions of barnumbers

From: stef . thomas
Subject: re: positions of barnumbers
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:50:14 +0100
User-agent: freenetMail

Dear Trevor,
o.k. I have an example, to show You, what I mean. It is, unfortunately, not 
short, because of the many definitions and so on.
But one can clearly recorgnize, that the barnumbers are at very strange 

This is the example:

version "2.11.34"

global= { override TimeSig.TimeSignature #'style = #'( ) 
tempo 4 = 69 time 3/8   s4. 
time 4/4 s1
time 2/4 s2
time 4/4 s1 
time 2/4 s2
time 1/8 s8
time 4/4 s1*2 }

pianoArechts = relative {
clef bass r4 b32f> ( bes times 2/3 {a32 as g!)} | %klaviereinsrechts 01
fis1~pp startTrillSpan |                                %klaviereinsrechts 02
fis4.   <eis fis a>16-.->pstopTrillSpanarpeggio r | %klaviereinsrechts 03
r2 r4 r16  eis32p< ( fis times 4/5 {as32 g besmp> a g!) } |     
%klaviereinsrechts 04
fis4. startTrillSpan   <f a bes>16-.->arpeggio stopTrillSpan r | 
%klaviereinsrechts 05
times 4/7 { f32 ( fis a as b bes g) } | %klaviereinsrechts 06
times 4/5 {<fis c'>16 repeat "unfold" 3 {<fis c'>} <fis c'>~} times 2/3 {<fis 
c'>8 <fis c'> <fis c'>~ }<fis c'>8 <fis c'>4.~p | %klaviereinsrechts 07
<fis c'>2~ <fis c'>4... clef treble a32 |  %klaviereinsrechts 8 

pianoAlinks = relative c { clef bass
R4. |
R1 |
r4 r8   <c d es>16-.-> arpeggiosustainDown  r sustainUp |
R1 |
r4 r8  <b d es>16-.->arpeggio sustainDown r16 sustainUp |
times 4/5 {<e, cis'>16sustainDown repeat "unfold" 3 {<e cis'>} <e cis'>~} times 
2/3 {<e cis'>8 <e cis'> <e cis'>~ }<e cis'>8 <e cis'>4.~ |
<e cis'>2~ <e cis'>4...  r32 sustainUp | }

pianoBrechts = relative {
r4 <b' c b'>16-.->f r |
R1 |
r4 r8 clef bass eis,,32pp< ( fis times 2/3 {ap> as g!) } |
fis2.. pp startTrillSpan  <f a bes>16-.->stopTrillSpan arpeggio mp r |
r4 r8 e32 (< f times 2/3 {bes32mf> a g>) } |
times 4/7 {es^( d c b  bes a g ) }
 times 2/3 {<fis' c'>8 <fis c'> <fis c'>~} <fis c'>8 <fis c'>~ <fis c'>2p | }

pianoBlinks = relative c' {
r4 <b' c b'>16-.-> r | %klavierzwo links 1
R1 | %klavierzwo links 2
R2 | %klavierzwo links 3
clef bass r2..  <b, d es>16-.->mp arpeggio r | %klavierzwo links 4
R2 | %klavierzwo links 5
times 4/7 {s8.sustainDown s32sustainUp }| %klavierzwo links 6
times 2/3 {<e, cis'>8 <e cis'> <e cis'>~} <e cis'>8 <e cis'>~ <e cis'>2 | 
%klavierzwo links 7
R1 %klavierzwo links 8 
    paper {
               ragged-bottom = ##t
    ragged-last-bottom = ##t 
    bottom-margin = 23mm %das sorgt dafuer, dass das letzte Notensystem nicht 
einfach abgeschnitten wird!
    horizontal-shift = 5 mm
    page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
    systemSeparatorMarkup = slashSeparator

  context {                                     %hier wird ein neuer "Kontext" 
mit Namen "timesig" geschaffen   
    type "Engraver_group"
    consists "Time_signature_engraver"
    consists "Axis_group_engraver"
    consists "Text_spanner_engraver"
    consists "Text_engraver"
    consists "Dynamic_engraver"
    name "TimeSig"
    override TimeSignature #'font-size = #4
     override TimeSignature #'break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
  context {
    Score accepts TimeSig}
    context { TimeSig override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = 
    #'(-1 . 5) }

 context { RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
  context { Staff
    override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     override TimeSignature #'break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)

score { 

new TimeSig global
new PianoStaff = "Klavier 1" 
                << set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Klavier 1"
                set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = "Klv.1"    
                new Staff= "rechts" {pianoArechts}
                new Staff = "links" with {
                override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t
                }  {pianoAlinks} >>
new PianoStaff = "Klavier 2" 
                << set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Klavier 2"
                set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName = "Klv.2"    
                new Staff= "rechts" {pianoBrechts}
                   new Staff = "links" with {
      override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t
    } {pianoBlinks} >>
>>      }


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