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RE: positions of barnumbers

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: RE: positions of barnumbers
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:02:39 -0000

Hi Stef

As Risto said we cannot easily see the problem as
all the backslashes are missing from your example.

However, the algorithm for placing outside-staff
objects changed in 2.11.  Outside-staff objects
that are created within the Staff context are placed in
accordance with the value of their 'outside-staff-priority
property.  However, bar numbers are created in the
Score context by default, and so are placed above any
objects created in the Staff context, even though their
'outside-staff-priority is set to place them close to
the staff.

If this explains your problem it can be fixed by
moving the Bar_number_engraver from the Score context
and placing it in the top Staff context.

The same applies to other outside-staff objects
created in the Score context - metronome marks and
rehearsal marks.  For details of this see the
GDP Learning Manual, section 4.4.3 at

HTH, but if not please send your code again with the
backslashes in.

Trevor D

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden
> [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: 24 January 2008 20:50
> To: address@hidden; address@hidden
> Subject: re: positions of barnumbers
> Dear Trevor,
> o.k. I have an example, to show You, what I mean.
> It is, unfortunately, not short, because of the
> many definitions and so on.
> But one can clearly recorgnize, that the
> barnumbers are at very strange positions.
> This is the example:
> version "2.11.34"
> global= { override TimeSig.TimeSignature #'style = #'( )
> tempo 4 = 69 time 3/8   s4.
> time 4/4 s1
> time 2/4 s2
> time 4/4 s1
> time 2/4 s2
> time 1/8 s8
> time 4/4 s1*2 }
> pianoArechts = relative {
> clef bass r4 b32f> ( bes times 2/3 {a32 as g!)} |
> %klaviereinsrechts 01
> fis1~pp startTrillSpan |
> %klaviereinsrechts 02
> fis4.   <eis fis a>16-.->pstopTrillSpanarpeggio r
> | %klaviereinsrechts 03
> r2 r4 r16  eis32p< ( fis times 4/5 {as32 g besmp>
> a g!) } |     %klaviereinsrechts 04
> fis4. startTrillSpan   <f a bes>16-.->arpeggio
> stopTrillSpan r | %klaviereinsrechts 05
> times 4/7 { f32 ( fis a as b bes g) } |
> %klaviereinsrechts 06
> times 4/5 {<fis c'>16 repeat "unfold" 3 {<fis
> c'>} <fis c'>~} times 2/3 {<fis c'>8 <fis c'>
> <fis c'>~ }<fis c'>8 <fis c'>4.~p | %klaviereinsrechts 07
> <fis c'>2~ <fis c'>4... clef treble a32 |
> %klaviereinsrechts 8
> }
> pianoAlinks = relative c { clef bass
> R4. |
> R1 |
> r4 r8   <c d es>16-.-> arpeggiosustainDown  r sustainUp |
> R1 |
> r4 r8  <b d es>16-.->arpeggio sustainDown r16 sustainUp |
> R8
> times 4/5 {<e, cis'>16sustainDown repeat "unfold"
> 3 {<e cis'>} <e cis'>~} times 2/3 {<e cis'>8 <e
> cis'> <e cis'>~ }<e cis'>8 <e cis'>4.~ |
> <e cis'>2~ <e cis'>4...  r32 sustainUp | }
> pianoBrechts = relative {
> r4 <b' c b'>16-.->f r |
> R1 |
> r4 r8 clef bass eis,,32pp< ( fis times 2/3 {ap> as g!) } |
> fis2.. pp startTrillSpan  <f a
> bes>16-.->stopTrillSpan arpeggio mp r |
> r4 r8 e32 (< f times 2/3 {bes32mf> a g>) } |
> times 4/7 {es^( d c b  bes a g ) }
>  times 2/3 {<fis' c'>8 <fis c'> <fis c'>~} <fis
> c'>8 <fis c'>~ <fis c'>2p | }
> pianoBlinks = relative c' {
> r4 <b' c b'>16-.-> r | %klavierzwo links 1
> R1 | %klavierzwo links 2
> R2 | %klavierzwo links 3
> clef bass r2..  <b, d es>16-.->mp arpeggio r |
> %klavierzwo links 4
> R2 | %klavierzwo links 5
> times 4/7 {s8.sustainDown s32sustainUp }|
> %klavierzwo links 6
> times 2/3 {<e, cis'>8 <e cis'> <e cis'>~} <e
> cis'>8 <e cis'>~ <e cis'>2 | %klavierzwo links 7
> R1 %klavierzwo links 8
> }
>     paper {
>              ragged-bottom = ##t
>     ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>     bottom-margin = 23mm %das sorgt dafuer, dass
> das letzte Notensystem nicht einfach abgeschnitten wird!
>     horizontal-shift = 5 mm
>     page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
>     systemSeparatorMarkup = slashSeparator
>    }
> layout{
>   context {
> %hier wird ein neuer "Kontext" mit Namen
> "timesig" geschaffen
>     type "Engraver_group"
>     consists "Time_signature_engraver"
>     consists "Axis_group_engraver"
>     consists "Text_spanner_engraver"
>     consists "Text_engraver"
>     consists "Dynamic_engraver"
>     name "TimeSig"
>     override TimeSignature #'font-size = #4
>      override TimeSignature #'break-visibility =
> ##(#f #t #t)
>   }
>   context {
>     Score accepts TimeSig}
>     context { TimeSig override VerticalAxisGroup
> #'minimum-Y-extent =
>     #'(-1 . 5) }
>  context { RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
>   context { Staff
>     override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
>      override TimeSignature #'break-visibility =
> ##(#f #t #t)
>               }
> }
> score {
> <<
> new TimeSig global
> new PianoStaff = "Klavier 1"
>               << set PianoStaff.instrumentName =
> "Klavier 1"
>               set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName
> = "Klv.1"
>               new Staff= "rechts" {pianoArechts}
>               new Staff = "links" with {
>               override VerticalAxisGroup
> #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t
>               }  {pianoAlinks} >>
> new PianoStaff = "Klavier 2"
>               << set PianoStaff.instrumentName =
> "Klavier 2"
>               set PianoStaff.shortInstrumentName
> = "Klv.2"
>               new Staff= "rechts" {pianoBrechts}
>                  new Staff = "links" with {
>       override VerticalAxisGroup
> #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t
>     } {pianoBlinks} >>
> >>    }

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