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#'extra-offset not working

From: David Bobroff
Subject: #'extra-offset not working
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 00:12:34 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

I'm having a weird problem. In the following example I'm able to move a rehearsal mark but not a \markup. Am I missing something or is this some sort of bug?


%%***** BEGIN LILYPOND *****

\version "2.11.40"

\score {
        \relative c {
        \set Score.skipBars = ##t
        \once \override Score.TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 4)     
        R1*4^\markup{"some text taking up space"}
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -4)
        \mark \default

\paper {
        ragged-right = ##t

%%***** END LILYPOND *****

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