\version "2.11.39" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \header { title="Cue notes mess up \voiceOne and \voiceTwo"} \layout{ ragged-right = ##t } vI = \relative c'' { c4 c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c | } \addQuote vI \vI vIIa = \relative c'' { e4 d f, e | \cueDuring "vI" #UP { R1 } | e'4 d f, e } vIIb = \relative c'' { c4 b d, c | \cueDuring "vI" #UP { R1 } | c'4 b d, c } << % after the cue notes, the voiceOne/Two settings are messed up: \context Staff = "S1" << \context Voice = vIIa { \voiceOne \vIIa } \context Voice = vIIb { \voiceTwo \vIIb } >> % killing the cues on one staff does not fix the problem: \context Staff = "S2" << \context Voice = vIIa { \voiceOne \killCues\vIIa } \context Voice = vIIb { \voiceTwo \vIIb } >> % killing the cues on both makes it work: \context Staff = "S3" << \context Voice = vIIa { \voiceOne \killCues\vIIa } \context Voice = vIIb { \voiceTwo \killCues\vIIb } >> >>