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Re: horizontal bracket over a single note

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: horizontal bracket over a single note
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 09:29:46 +0100

Hi Matthew

The trick is to add a zero multiplier to the spacer notes, like this:

brackets = \relative c' { s8. s16*0\su s4 s16*0\eu }

or better, move the s16*0 's into the su and eu macros, and then
you don't need a parallel voice:

textspan = {
      \override TextSpanner #'shorten-pair  = #'(-1.3 . -0.8)
      \override TextSpanner #'staff-padding = #1.0
      \override TextSpanner #'padding   = #0.5
      \override TextSpanner #'minimum-length  = #1.0
      \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction  = #0.95
      \override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(1.2 . 1.2)

su = s16*0 \startTextSpan
eu = s16*0 \stopTextSpan

rhythm = \relative c'' { c4 \su c \eu c c | c c^"__" c c } %want bracket over second note

\score {
        \new Staff <<
\new Voice = "rhythm" { \voiceOne << \textspan \rhythm >> }

However, for a single note the simpler c^"__" looks pretty much

Trevor D

----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: horizontal bracket over a single note

Michael Watts <zwy648rct <at>> writes:

Try putting the textspanners into a separate voice with spacer notes.
IIRC a textspanner needs to start on a 'real' note, so your
textspanner voice would need transparent noteheads and stems.

You can put TextSpanners on spacer note. However, then spacer notes space out the notes that I actually want to bracket. Additionally, it would really be annoying to do this for real; bars full of semiquavers, demisemiquavers and the

\version "2.10.33"
textspan = {
      \override TextSpanner #'shorten-pair  = #'(-1.3 . -0.8)
      \override TextSpanner #'staff-padding = #1.0
      \override TextSpanner #'padding   = #0.5
      \override TextSpanner #'minimum-length  = #1.0
      \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction  = #0.95
      \override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(1.2 . 1.2)

su = \startTextSpan
eu = \stopTextSpan

rhythm = \relative c''  { c4 c c c } %want bracket over second note
brackets = \relative c' { f8 f16\su f\eu } %spacer notes do work
% these are here so i can see them

\score {
        \new Staff <<
\new Voice = "rhythm" { \voiceOne << \textspan \rhythm >> } \new Voice = "bracket" { \voiceTwo << \textspan \brackets >> }

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