\version "2.11.46" % \include "orchestrallily.ly" #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \paper { left-margin = 2\cm right-margin = 2\cm line-width = 17\cm bottom-margin = 1\cm top-margin = 1\cm % after-title-space = 0.5\cm ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##f } #(define (oly:piece-title-markup title) (markup #:column (#:line (#:fontsize #'3 #:bold title))) ) #(define-markup-command (piece-title layout props title) (markup?) ; (toc-item title) (interpret-markup layout props (oly:piece-title-markup title)) ) \markup \piece-title {Text der Messe / Text of the Mass} \noPageBreak \markup {\bold \fill-line {"Kyrie eleison" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { "Kyrie eleison," "Christe eleison," "Kyrie eleison." } \column { "Herr, erbarme dich," "Christus, erbarme dich," "Herr, erbarme dich!" } \column { "Lord, have mercy," "Christ, have mercy," "Lord, have mercy." } }}\noPageBreak \markup {\bold \fill-line {"Gloria in excelsis Deo" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { \italic "Gloria in excelsis Deo" "Et in terra pax" "hominibus bonae voluntatis." "Laudamus te. Benedicimus te." "Adoramus te. Glorificamus te." "Gratias agimus tibi" "propter magnam gloriam tuam." "Domine Deus, Rex coelestis," "Pater omnipotens." "Domine Fili unigenite," "Jesu Christe." "Agnus Dei, Filius Patris." "Qui tollis peccata mundi," "miserere nobis." "Quoniam tu solus, solus sanctus." "Tu solus Dominus." "Tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe." "Cum sancto Spiritu," "in gloria Dei Patris." "Amen." } \column { \italic "Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe" "und Friede auf Erden" "den Menschen guten Willens." "Wir loben dich, wir benedeien dich." "Wir biten dich an, wir preisen dich." "Wir sagen dir Dank" "ob deiner großen Herrlichkeit." "Herr Gott! Himmlischer König!" "Allmächtiger Vater!" "Herr, du eingeborener Sohn," "Jesus Christus!" "Lamm Gottes, Sohn des Vaters!" "Der du trägst die Sünde der Welt," "erbarme dich unser!" "Denn du allein, du allein bist heilig," "Du allein der Herr." "Du allein der Höchste, Jesus Christus," "mit dem Heiligen Geist" "in der Herrlichkeit Gottes, des Vaters." "Amen!" } \column { \italic "Glory be to God on high," "and on earth peace," "good will towards men." "We praise thee, we bless thee," "we worship thee, we glorify thee," "we give thanks to thee" "for thy great glory." "O Lord God, heavenly King," "Father Almighty." "O Lord, the only-begotten Son," "Jesus Christ!" "Lamb of God, Son of the Father," "that takest away the sins of the world," "have mercy upon us." "For thou only, thou only art holy," "thou only art the Lord." "Thou only art most high, Jesus Christ," "with the Holy Ghost," "in the glory of God the Father." "Amen!" } }}\noPageBreak \markup {\bold\fill-line {"Credo in unum Deum" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { \italic "Credo in unum Deum," "Patrem omnipotentem," "factorem coeli et terrae," "visibilium omnium" "et invisibilium." "Et in unum Dominum," "Jesum Christum," "Filium Dei unigenitum." "Et ex patre natum" "ante omnia saecula." "Genitum, non factum," "consubstantialem Patri," "per quem omnia facta sunt." "Qui propter nos homines" "et propter nostram salutem" "descendit de coelis." "Et incarnatus est" "de Spiritu sancto" "ex Maria Virgine" "et homo factus est." "Crucifixus etiam pro nobis," "passus et sepultus est." "Et resurrexit tertia die," "secundum scripturas," "et ascendit in coelum," "sedet ad dexteram Patris" "Et iterum venturus est" "cum gloria judicare " "vivos et mortuos." "Et vitam venturi saeculi." "Amen." } \column { \italic "Ich glaube an den einen Gott" "den allmächtigen Vater," "Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde," "der sichtbaren und" "unsichtbaren Welt." "Und an den einen Herrn," "Jesus Christus," "Gottes eingeborenen Sohn," "aus dem Vater geboren" "vor aller Zeit." "Gezeugt, nicht geschaffen," "eines Wesens mit dem Vater," "durch den alles geschaffen wurde." "Denn für uns Menschen" "und für unser Heil" "ist er vom Himmel gekommen," "hat Fleisch angenommen" "durch den heiligen Geist" "von der Jungfrau Maria" "und ist Mensch geworden." "Er wurde für uns gekreuzigt," "hat gelitten und ist begragen worden," "ist am dritten Tagen auferstanden" "gemäß den Schriften" "und aufgefahren in den Himmel." "Er sitzt zur Rechten des Vaters" "und wird wiederkommen" "in Herrlichkeit, zu richten" "die Lebenden und die Toten." "Und an das Leben der kommenden Welt." "Amen" } \column { \italic "I believe in one God" "the Father almighty," "Maker of heaven and earth," "and of all things," "visible and invisible." "And in one Lord," "Jesus Christ," "Only begotten Son of God," "Begotten of his Father" "before all worlds." "Begotten, not made," "being of one substance with the Father:" "by whom all things were made." "Who for us men" "and for our salvation" "came down from heaven." "And was incarnate" "by the Holy Ghost" "of the Virgin Mary" "and was made man." "And was crucified also for us" "suffered, and was buried." "And the third day He rose again" "according to the scriptures." "And ascended into heaven," "and sitteth at the right hand of the Father" "And He shall come again" "with glory to judge" "the living and the dead." "And in the life of the world to come." "Amen." } }} \pageBreak \markup {\bold\fill-line {"Sanctus" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { "Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus," "Dominus Deus Sabaoth." "Pleni sunt coeli et terra" "Gloria tua," "osanna in excelsis." } \column { "Heilig, heilig, heilig," "ist der Herr, Gott Sabaoth." "Himmel und Erde sind" "deiner Ehre voll!" "Hosanna in der Höhe!" } \column { "Holy, holy, holy," "Lord God of Hosts." "Heaven and earth are" "full of your glory." "Hosanna in the highest." } }}\noPageBreak \markup {\bold\fill-line {"Benedictus" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { "Benedictus, qui venit" "in nomine Domini!" "Osanna in excelsis." } \column { "Gelobt sei, der da kommt" "im Namen des Herrn!" "Hosanna in der Höhe!" } \column { "Blessed is he who comes" "in the name of the Lord." "Hosanna in the highest." } }}\noPageBreak \markup {\bold\fill-line {"Agnus Dei" \null} }\noPageBreak \markup {\fill-line { \column { "Agnus Dei, qui tollis" "peccata mundi," "miserere nobis." "Agnus Dei, qui tollis" "peccata mundi," "miserere nobis." "Agnus Dei, qui tollis" "peccata mundi," "dona nobis pacem." } \column { "Lamm Gottes, du nimmst hinweg" "die Sünde der Welt," "erbarme dich unser." "Lamm Gottes, du nimmst hinweg" "die Sünde der Welt," "erbarme dich unser." "Lamm Gottes, du nimmst hinweg" "die Sünde der Welt," "gib uns deinen Frieden." } \column { "Lamb of God, who take away" "the sins of the world," "have mercy on us." "Lamb of God, who take away" "the sins of the world," "have mercy on us." "Lamb of God, who take away" "the sins of the world," "grant us peace." } }}\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null\noPageBreak \markup\null \pageBreak \score { \relative c'{c1} \header { piece = "Name of the piece..." } } \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null \markup\null