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Re: minimumVerticalExtent & minimum-Y-extent

From: Risto Vääräniemi
Subject: Re: minimumVerticalExtent & minimum-Y-extent
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:03:13 +0300

2008/6/13 Mats Bengtsson :

> \lyricmode has nothing to do with it. It just tells the part of Lilypond
> that interprets your .ly file, that anything within the \lyricmode{...}
> should be treated syntactically as lyrics and note as note names.
> What you probably mean is that happens with \lyricsto.
> However, Trevor just showed you how to do it together with \lyricsto.

I used a wrong term, sorry. However It would be nice to be able to
make such a setting inside the \lyricmode (and the \lyricsto would
interpret it correctly). As I said earlier I can use it but only if
the music and lyrics start at the beginning of the piece.

> Please read Trevor's answer ones more, he showed you exactly how to do this.

Yes, he did I must admit. After an hour of tinkering I finally found a
way. :-) I wouldn't say it's very convenient, though. The solution I
came up with requires additional voices and lyrics. I thought that If
I want to use different minYextents for different parts of lyrics I
would have to add the parts separately and attach them to different

Here I have a melody (very boring, though :-)), which is divided on
two lines with a \break. Then I'd like to use different spacing
between the staff and the lyrics on different lines / systems. If the
world was perfect I could just use: music = (stuff removed) { c2 c c
\break c c .... }, and: words = \lyricmode { Tra la la
\someMagicTrickForSpacing Fa la .... }.

Sometimes I've used fixed-alignment-extra-space to make the systems
bigger. Then I've used extra-offset to move the lyrics up and down.
I'm still a bit ashamed of doing it. :-)


%%%% Begin %%%%
\version "2.11.48"

musicA = \relative c' \context Voice = "musicA"
    c2 d e f \break
    \context Voice = "musicB" { g a b c }

wordsI = \lyricmode
    Tra la la la!

wordsII = \lyricmode
    Fa la la la!

        \new Staff { \musicA }
        \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup
            #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 1) }
            {\lyricsto "musicA" { \wordsI } }
        \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup
            #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 3) }
            {\lyricsto "musicB" { \wordsII } }
    \layout { }
%%%% END %%%%

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