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Re: stopTrillSpan

From: James E. Bailey
Subject: Re: stopTrillSpan
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:40:08 +0200

Am 15.06.2008 um 18:57 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

I'm wondering if there's a way to do without the spacer notes.

See attached modifications.
Be sure to read the docs, especially the section on "relative mode" and "explicitly instantiating voices" (or whatever they're called now).

Hope this helps!

\version "2.11.47"
original = \relative c'
        \pitchedTrill <c g'>1\startTrillSpan a |
                \relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan }
                \relative c' { c2 b }   >>

kierenA = \relative c'
        \pitchedTrill <c g'>1\startTrillSpan a |
                { \voiceOne \relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan } }
                \new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative c' { c2 b } }
        >> \oneVoice

kierenB = \relative c'
        \pitchedTrill <c g'>1\startTrillSpan a |
                { \voiceOne g'1\stopTrillSpan }
                \new Voice { \voiceTwo c,2 b }
        >> \oneVoice

\score { \original }
\score { \kierenA }
\score { \kierenB }

Well that just makes too much sense for its own good.

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