\version "2.11.50" #(set-global-staff-size 35) #(define-markup-command (vspace layout props amount) (number?) "This produces a invisible object taking vertical space." (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons 0 amount)) (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons amount amount))) titlePageMarkup = \markup \abs-fontsize #10 \column { \vspace #12 \fill-line { \fontsize #8 \fromproperty #'header:composer } \vspace #12 \fill-line { \fontsize #10 \bold \fromproperty #'header:title } \vspace #3 \fontsize #2 \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:subtitle } \vspace #3 \fill-line { \postscript #"-20 0 moveto 40 0 rlineto stroke" } \vspace #24 \fill-line { "Herausgegeben von: / Edited by:"} \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:enteredby } \vspace #3 \fill-line { "Here will be a page break, the page will of course contain more markup"} } \header { title = \markup \center-align { "A really nice" "titlepage"} subtitle = "using OrchestralLily" composer = "The software author" enteredby = "The editor" } \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \titlePageMarkup } \pageBreak \markup \fontsize #2 \column { \line {as \hspace #4 df} \line {as " " df} \line {"asdf"} \fontsize #-2 \fill-line { "asdf" asdf asdf } \abs-fontsize #10 \fill-line { "asdf" \fontsize #-4 asdf asdf } \vspace #3 \abs-fontsize #10 \fill-line { "asdf" \fontsize #-4 asdf asdf } } \markup \abs-fontsize #15 \column { \line {as \hspace #4 df} \line {as " " df} \line {"asdf"} \fontsize #-2 \fill-line { "asdf" asdf asdf } \abs-fontsize #10 \fill-line { "asdf" \fontsize #-4 asdf asdf } \vspace #3 \abs-fontsize #10 \fill-line { "asdf" \fontsize #-4 asdf asdf } }