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Re: collision problem

From: Patrick McCarty
Subject: Re: collision problem
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:18:33 -0700

Hi Tom,

Could you also CC: the lilypond-user list in your replies?  The
mailing list is archived, so this will benefit future users.  Thanks.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Tom Cloyd <address@hidden> wrote:
> I hope this problem is not simply an artifact of my running ly ver. 2.10.33
> - the ver. in the Adept package manager for Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1 Ly won't be
> updated there until the next ver. of Ubuntu (October?).

I compiled your file in 2.11.56, and there is no collision.  Very nice
piece, I might add.

I have a feeling Ubuntu won't consider updated their LilyPond package
(like a lot of other distros) until a new stable version is released.
Since the 2.12 release will likely happen before October, there's a
chance 2.12 might make it in the 8.10 Ibex repo.


> So... here's my ly file which is causing the problem - it produces a lovely
> collision!
> === begin file ===
> % Created on Sat Aug 16 18:03:21 PDT 2008
> \version "2.10.0"
> %#(set-global-staff-size 28)  % has to be HERE to count
> \paper {
>     #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)
>     #(set-global-staff-size 26)
>     ragged-last-bottom = ##t % turns off verticle justify
>     left-margin = 0.6\in
>     line-width = 7\in     % works better than specifying R-margin
>     bottom-margin = 0.7\in
>     top-margin = 0.15\in
> }
> \layout {
>     indent = 0.0\cm % remove indent on first staff
> }
> \header {
>     title = "Prelude #2"
>     subtitle = "A legato etude for classical guitar"
>     composer = "Tom Cloyd (2008.08.13)"
>     tagline = \markup { \small "score set by Tom Cloyd"} % this is the
> copyright line
> }
> \score {
>     \new Staff{
>     \tempo 8 = 120 % <= cannot get this spaced right vertically
>     \key g \major
>     \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints numerical
> time signatures
>     \time 8/8
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    <g\1>8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)]
> a->-2 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\ % illustrates adding accents, fingerings, bar
> grouping, slurs, and  slur direction shorthand - wow!
>         % also illustrates sharping a note to force it to be naturally
> sharped due to key signature.
>         { e1 ~ | } % illustrates a tie to next note (tie != slur)
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-2
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
>         { e1 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-1
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
>         { c'1-2 ~ | }
>         >>
>         \break % forces line break, to keep score readable
>         % m. 4 ========================================
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-1
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
>         { c'1 ~ | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-2
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
>         { e1 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->
> [e-3] } | } \\
>         { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
>         >>
>         \break
>         % m. 7 ========================================
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'{ fis8->-4 [g _(a-1)] b-> [c _(d-4)] e-> [_(fis-1)]
> } | } \\
>         { a4. b4.-2 c'4-3 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-2 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-2] g->
> [e-1] } | } \\
>         { e4. b4-1 r8 c'8-3 r8 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{    g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->
> [e-3] } | } \\
>         { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
>         >>
>         \break
>         % m 10 =======================================
>         \time 6/8
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'{ fis8->-3 [_(g-4) a-1] g-> [_(a-1) b-3] } | } \\
>         { a4. c'-2 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c''{ a8->-1 [_(b-3) c-4] b->-3 [_(c-4) d-2] } | } \\
>         { d'4. b4.-1 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c''{ c8->-2 [_(d-4) e] d->-2 [_(e-4) fis] } | } \\
>         { e'4.-3 g'4.-0 | }
>         >>        \break
>         % m 13 =======================================
>         \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints numerical
> time signatures
>         \time 8/8
>         <<
>         \bar "|:"
>         {\relative     c'''{
>         g8->-2 [_(fis) e] d->-2 [_(b) a-1] g->-4 [_(e-1)] } | } \\
>         { b'4.-0 g'4.-4 e4 | }
>         >>
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{ g8->-3 [_(fis) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->-4
> [_(e-1)] } | } \\
>         { c'4.-2 fis'4.-4 c'8-2 r8 \bar ":|" |}
>         >>
>         \break
>         % m 15 =======================================
>         \time 9/8
>         %\relative c'{ <fis-1\4>8 [_(g-2) a-4]  <b-1\3> [_(c-2) d-4]
> <e-1\2> [_(fis-3) g-4] | }
>         \relative c'{
>             <fis-1\4>^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " [_(g-2)
> a-4]  <b-1\3> [^(c-2) d-4]
>             e-1^"V - - - - - - - - - - -" [^(fis-3) g-4] | }
>         % STRING SPECIFICATIONS: \4 \3 \2
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'''{ a8-1 [_(b-3) b_.-1] e4.-4\sfz r8 <b,\harmonic
> e>4\fermata _"arm. 12" } | } \\
>         % DYNAMICS: \sfz
>         % HARMONICS: \harmonic
>         % ARTICULATION - illustrated by the dotted 'b' above -
>         % alternatives: -. _. ^.
>         % articulation symbols: >.^_ (there are others, n. needed for
> guitar)
>         % ARBITRARY TEXT: in association with a note - _"arm. 12"
>         { r2. e8 (e4)\fermata | }
>         >>
>         % m XX =======================================
>         %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints
> numerical time signatures
>         %\time 8/8
>         % following is merely a template
>         <<
>         {\relative     c'{ } | } \\
>         { | }
>         >>
>     }
> }
> === end file ===

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