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Spacing issue with accidental

From: Stefan Waler
Subject: Spacing issue with accidental
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 13:10:35 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)


I've a spacing issue in a two-voice piece of music where the accidentals are printed far before the notes without any obvious reason.

I attach a sample script, please note the accidentials for 'ces' in the second and for 'fes' in the forth bar. I tried to simplify the score very much, but it seems as lilypond continues to calculate wrong spaces for every further accidental of this voice!

Any hints??



\header {

\version "2.11.65"

global = {
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4

NotesTest = {

        \clef "treble"

                \relative c'
                                                \time 3/4
                                                \times 2/3 { e4 fis8 } gis4 a |
                                                \time 12/8
                                                <b ges'>4.~ <b f'>~ <b f'>~ <b 
fes'> |
                                                \time 5/4
                                                ees4~ <ees c> aes,8 <bes aes>2 
~ <bes aes>8 ~ |
                                                \time 13/8
                                                <bes aes>1 b4\rest b4\rest 
b8\rest |
                                                bes,2 ~ <bes des>4 ~ |
                                                <bes des fes aes>4. ~ <bes des 
aes'> ~ <bes ces des fes aes> ~ <bes des fes aes> | <ces des fes aes>4 <ces des 
fes aes>4. <des fes>2~ <des fes>8~ | << fes1 \\ { des2. c4 } >> s4 s4 s8 |

\score {
                \new StaffGroup <<
                        \new Staff = "MainStaff" { \skip 1 * 5 }
                        \context Staff = MainStaff \new Voice << \global 
\NotesTest >>

Attachment: Test2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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