#(ly:set-option 'old-relative) \version "2.11.62" \header { title = "Choral ``O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden''" subtitle = "Matthäus Passion" composer = "J.S. Bach (1685-1750)" piece = "CHORAL. CORO I.II" mutopiatitle = "Matthäus Passion, Choral "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden"" mutopiacomposer = "J. S. Bach (1685-1750)" mutopiainstrument = "Voice, Piano" date = "1729" source = "Edition Peters" style = "Baroque" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "dwb" maintainerEmail = "address@hidden" lastupdated = "2001/Sept/14" footer = "Mutopia-2001/09/14-107" tagline = "\\parbox{\paper-width}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}" } global = { \time 4/4 \partial 4 } Key = \key d \minor soprano = \relative c'' { \stemUp a4 | d c bes a | g2 a4\fermata e' | f f e8[ d] e4 | d2.\fermata a4 | %%5 d c bes a | g2 a4\fermata e' | f f e8[ d] e4 | d2.\fermata f4 | e8[ d] c4 d e | %%10 f2 f4\fermata c | d c bes8[ a] bes4 | a2.\fermata f'!4 | e8[ f] g4 f e | d2 e4\fermata a, | %%15 bes a g c | a2.\fermata \bar "|." } alto = \relative c' { \stemDown f4 | f8[ g] a4 d,8[ e] f4 | f( e) f a | a a a a8[ g] | f2. f4 | %%5 f8[ g] a4 d,8[ e] f4 | f( e) f a | a a a a8[ g] | f2. a4 | g g8[ f] f4 bes | %%10 bes( a8[ g)] a4 a | a8[ g] a4 g8[ fis] g4 | fis2. g4 | g c c c | c( b) c f,8[ e] | %%15 d8[ e] f4 f e | f2. \bar "|." } tenore = \relative c' { \stemUp d4 | d8[ e] f4 g c, | d( c) c e | e d d cis | a2. d4 | %%5 d8[ e] f4 g c, | d( c) c e | e d d cis | a2. d8[ c!] | bes4 c c bes8[ c] | %%10 d4( c8[ bes)] c4 f8[ es] | d4 d d d | d2. d4 | c8[ d] e4 f g | a( g) g c, | %%15 bes c c8[( bes16 a)] g8[ c] | c2. \bar "|." } basso = \relative c { \stemDown d'8[ c] | bes4 a g f | bes,( c) f\fermata cis | d8[ e] f[ g] a4 a, | d2.\fermata d'8[ c] | %%5 bes4 a g f | bes,( c) f\fermata cis | d8[ e] f[ g] a4 a,4 | d2.\fermata d4 | g a bes8[ a] g4 | %%10 f2 f4\fermata f | bes fis g g, | d'2.\fermata b4 | c c'8[ b] a4 g | f( g) c,\fermata f | %%15 g a8[ bes] c4 c, | f2.\fermata \bar "|." } textOne = \lyricmode { O Haupt voll Blut und Wun -- den, voll Schmerz und vol -- ler Hohn! O Haupt, zu Spott ge- bund -- den mit ei -- ner Dor -- nen -- kron! O Haupt, sonst schön ge -- zie -- ret mit höch -- ster Ehr' und Zier, jetzt a -- ber hoch schimp -- fi -- ret: ge -- grüs -- set seist du mir! } textTwo = \lyricmode { Du ed -- les An -- ge -- Sich -- te, vor dem sonst schrickt und scheut das gros -- se Welt -- ge -- rich -- te, wie bist du so be -- speit! Wie bist du so er -- blei -- chet, wer hat dein Au -- gen -- licht, dem sonst kein Licht niet glei -- chet, so schänd -- lich zu -- ge -- richt't? } \score { << \global \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #3 \context StaffGroup = "coro" << \context Staff = "women" << \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"choir aahs" \set Staff.instrumentName = #`(lines "SOPRANO." "ALTO.") \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #`"" \Key \context Voice = "one" \soprano \context Voice = "two" \alto >> % \oldaddlyrics \context Staff = "men" << \clef bass \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"choir aahs" \set Staff.instrumentName = #`(lines "TENORE." "BASSO.") \set Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \unset Staff.melismaBusyProperties \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #`"" \Key \context Voice = "one" \tenore \context Voice = "two" \basso >> \context Lyrics << \context Lyrics = stanzaOne { \set stanza = "1." \textOne } \context Lyrics = stanzaTwo { \set stanza = "2." \textTwo } >> >> >> \layout {} \midi {} }