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Re: Artificial harmonics with sounding pitch in parenthesis

From: Tom Hall
Subject: Re: Artificial harmonics with sounding pitch in parenthesis
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:48:44 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Thanks Jon

that was really helpful. From your post and lily docs, I've cobbled together the
following below, which seems to work OK, aiming to use a global variable to save
some space. 

A question about this: is there a way to move the parenthesisation
(\parenthesize) to within the global variable harmonicPitch, similary to how the
small notehead is there specified, rather than having to specify both
\harmonicPitch and \parenthesize in the body of the temporary voice? 

Any other comments regarding coding style also welcome.




\version "2.12.1"

harmonicPitch = {
        \override Stem #'stencil = ##f 
        \override NoteHead #'font-size = #-4

   \clef "treble"
   \override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
   \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed

  \new Voice  {
    b4 a 
        << {  <a e' \harmonic > } \\ { \harmonicPitch \parenthesize  e'' } >> 



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