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Re: Lyrics spacing problem - overlapping syllables

From: Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Subject: Re: Lyrics spacing problem - overlapping syllables
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:19:11 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Lyrics syllables should not overlap in any case, LilyPond should automatically increase the note dinstance if needed. So it seems to me as a bug.


Jiri Zurek (Prague) wrote:
After reading some more threads about the lyrics alignment, I have got the
impression, that the problem of a syllable overlapping with the last note(s)
of the preceding melisma could be solved by adding an extender to the
melismatic syllable. The extender should last up to low c of the last bar of
the music. Strangely enough, this does not help, as the extender does not
extend up to the last note of the melisma (c), but it is cut off before (on
a d already), possibly by the next syllable extend. This looks as suggesting
that the syllable "-mme" should be sung not on the last note (d) only, but
already on the note preceding it (on the c). This is unexpected behavior and
I am starting to think that this might be a bug in the Lilypond. Am I right?

This is the same example as above, but with the extender added to the

\version "2.12.1"

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "b5")
    line-width = 14.6\cm
    indent = 0.0
    ragged-right = ##t
    ragged-last = ##t

notyOKriste = \relative c' {\time 12/8 a'4 c8 a4 g8 f4 e8 f4. c'4 d8 f4 e8
d4 bes8 c4 c8 d4 c8 a4 d,8 f16[ \melisma e d8 c] \melismaEnd d4. \bar "||" }

oKriste = \lyricmode { Ó Kri -- ste do -- bro -- ti -- vý, na nás vel -- mi
na -- las --
          ka -- vý, čímť se o -- pla -- tí __ mme? }

\score {
    \new Voice = "cantus" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {

\layout {
\context { \Score
    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
  \context {
    \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
    %aby lyrika nesla do taktovych car.
    \consists "Bar_engraver"
    \override BarLine #'transparent = ##f
%\override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #3.0
%%%%  end of the musical example ExtenderSyll.png

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