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Re: Lyrics - align first wowel of a syllable under the notehead -- SUCCE

From: Carl D. Sorensen
Subject: Re: Lyrics - align first wowel of a syllable under the notehead -- SUCCESS
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 18:55:48 -0700

Success!  It's not perfect, because it doesn't recognize that we're using a
proportional font, but it looks pretty good to me.

It uses vowels (characters that are always vowels) and secondary vowels
(characters that are vowels only if there isn't a regular vowel, like y in
english), both of which are easily user=defined.

I hope this helps.  It seems to me to work pretty well.


\version "2.12"

\paper { ragged-right = ##f }

#(define vowel-set (list->char-set (string->list "AEIOUaeiou")))
#(define secondary-vowel-set (list->char-set (string->list "Yy")))

#(define (vowel-alignment syllable)
    "Calculate the alignment of a syllable in order to place the
    first vowel at the notehead."
    (let* ((syllable-length (string-length syllable))
           (vowel-count (string-count syllable vowel-set))
           (vowel-position (string-index syllable vowel-set))
           (secondary-vowel-count (string-count syllable
            (string-index syllable secondary-vowel-set))
            (if (> vowel-count 0)
                (if (> secondary-vowel-count 0)
                    (/ syllable-length 2)))))
       (* 2 (+ align-character 0.5))     ; 2 is for RIGHT-LEFT
                                        ; 0.5 is to center on vowel

#(define (vowel-center music)
  "For every EventChord in elements of @var{music}, if elements in
EventChord has a LyricEvent, add an item just before the EventChord
that will provide the appropriate self-alignment-X to allow vowel-centered
  (define (insert-X-align element-list)
     (if (null? element-list)
         (let* ((element (car element-list))
                (element-name (ly:music-property element 'name))
                (syllable (if (eq? element-name 'EventChord)
                           (let ((sub-element
                                    (ly:music-property element 'elements))))
                            (if (eq? (ly:music-property
                                (ly:music-property sub-element 'text)
             (if syllable
                 'context-type 'Bottom
                  'pop-first #t
                  'grob-property-path '(self-alignment-X)
                  'grob-value (vowel-alignment syllable)
                  'once #t
                  'symbol 'LyricText))
              ;"INSERTED HERE"
               (insert-X-align (cdr element-list))))
             (cons element (insert-X-align (cdr element-list)))))))

  (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
        (insert-X-align (ly:music-property music 'elements)))

vowelAlignedLyrics =
 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
   "Set x alignment so each syllable of @var{music} will be
aligned with the first vowel centered on the note."
   (vowel-center music))
theNotes = \relative
  g a b c | d c b a | g1
theLyrics = \lyricmode {
  Each syl -- la -- ble's vowel is on the note.

    \new Voice = "melody" \theNotes
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \theLyrics
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \vowelAlignedLyrics \theLyrics

Attachment: Vowel Centered Lyrics.png
Description: Vowel Centered Lyrics.png

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