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Combining marks

From: Anthony W. Youngman
Subject: Combining marks
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 23:34:29 +0000
User-agent: Turnpike/6.05-U (<UtU6T1HYPTC8k3mvSGd+2+6KNb>)

I'm wanting to combine a rehearsal mark and an instruction, like say "(15) A little slower". The only snag is, you can't put multiple marks on a barline, and attaching the text to notes doesn't seem to be working for me.

I've found the LSR snippet that combines rehearsal and eg coda marks, but my knowledge of scheme isn't good enough to work out how to modify it. The snippet is below ...

#(define (format-mark-box-letters-dsegno mark context)
  (markup #:line
(#:line (#:musicglyph "scripts.segno" #:hspace 0.5 #:musicglyph "scripts.segno") #:bold #:box (#:markletter (- (ly:context-property context 'rehearsalMark) 2))

markDefaultDSegno = {
  \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters-dsegno
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'baseline-skip = #5
  \mark \default

Does the "mark context" match up to "\mark \default"? If I want to add random text after the mark, do I change it to "mark context text" and "\mark \default "A little slower" (along, of course, with altering the contents of the #define a bit?) I think I can see how to alter the (markup bit, but I'd like to know I'm on the right lines before I start messing about with something I don't understand :-)

Anthony W. Youngman - address@hidden

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