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Re: Looking for proper beam grouping

From: Carl D. Sorensen
Subject: Re: Looking for proper beam grouping
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:43:48 -0700

On 2/23/09 12:52 PM, "Maarten Deen" <address@hidden> wrote:

> I have a piece of music in 3/4 which has bars like { d4. c8 b8. a16 }
> Lilypond groups the last three notes together, making it look like a 6/8
> measure, but I want the c8 to be separate and only the b8. a16 to be grouped
> (like a proper 3/4 would look like).
> I've tried some settings, like #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1
> 4)
> or \set beatGrouping = #'(4 4 4) but to no avail.

The proper way to set beatGrouping is #'(1 1 1), which means group 1 beat, 1
beat 1 beat, where a beat is defined by the time signature as a 1/4 note.

But this doesn't work properly, and it should.

I think this is a bug in the autobeaming code.  Could you please send a bug
report to bug-lilypond?



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