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Re: There have been a bunch of discussions lately about lillypond-book

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: There have been a bunch of discussions lately about lillypond-book
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 10:35:11 -0400

Hi Timothy,

print-all-headers = ##t
if I understand correctly this goes in the paper section and lets you force headers when the are in the score block, rather than a separate header block, mine are each in their own header block in their own .ly file - it didn't seem to make any difference on the example I had.

I'm struggling with understanding the documentation - I've tried setting a \bookpart with the title page in \markup and then another with the first file to include but it seems to be having errors on every lines in the included file.

I believe I've almost solved your problem:

\version "2.12.2"
\header { title = "Song #1" }
\score { \relative { c4 d e f g1 } }

\version "2.12.2"
\header { title = "Song #2" }
\score { \relative { g'4 f e d c1 } }

\version "2.12.2"
        print-all-headers = ##t
        bookTitleMarkup = \markup \null
\bookpart { \include "" }
\bookpart { \include "" }

The only thing is, each song is forced onto its own page -- I've tried break-before = ##f, etc., but can't seem to get it to flow onto the same page.
Maybe another List-er can help?


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