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Re: difficulty implementing grob-suicide! for spanned bendAfter

From: Mike Solomon
Subject: Re: difficulty implementing grob-suicide! for spanned bendAfter
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:25:20 -0400
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

    Thank you - I don't have LilyPondTool, but I will get it.  You and I had
gone back and forth recently about scheme formatting for LSR submissions - I
didn't realize that was a general rule-of-thumb.  Sorry for the
inconvenience, and thank you for the clean-up (the file compiled on my
machine, but I now see that I mis-copied and pasted).  Won't happen again.
    I will say for the would-be answerer that:

>3) An initial quarter rest followed by whole notes doesn't fit the time
>signature. Either remove the "r4" or add "\partial 4". the point.  Meaning that my scores, which are rather contemporary,
do things like this all the time.  The whole issue arises because I have
passages that span across barlines. \bendAfter works fine for any piece that
is properly barline delimited.
    Again, thank you for your help, I will get better at this formatting
thing (which I realize more and more is half the battle), and if any of you
can help, please do!


On 7/10/09 12:47 AM, "Mark Polesky" <address@hidden> wrote:

> Mike Solomon wrote:
>> Hey lilypond-users,
>>     I am working on a piece with lots of beams/events across
>> staves, many of which have bendAfter attached to them.  The
>> spanned bend after clashes with some other stuff in the work, so
>> I wanted to kill it w/ a callback function, but after having
>> written the bit of code below I came to realize that this didn't
>> exist as I was conceiving it (should have checked the docs
>> first...). Taking a peek at the code below, do any of you have
>> suggestions for how I could make this work?
> Mike, I *do* want to be encouraging, but you really have to format
> the scheme code. It's really hard to read, and the good developers
> are not going to waste their time rewriting it.
> *Please* do something more like this:
> #(define (bendcallback grob)
>    (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
>           (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig)
>                         (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)
>                         '())))
>      (begin
>        (format #t "I will print if this function is called.\n")
>        (if (>= (length siblings) 2)
>            (if (not (eqv? grob (car siblings)))
>                (ly:grob-suicide! grob))))))
> I can understand this in about 30 seconds. It would take me about
> 2 or 3 minutes to understand it the way you have it formatted. It's
> quicker for me to rewrite it than to try to figure it out the way
> you have it. But ultimately it's not worth my time to rewrite it.
> If you have trouble finding matching parentheses, use an editor
> with bracket matching. Personally I use LilyPondTool (there are
> others as well) - I can put the cursor to the right of a ")", do
> "<ctrl>-]" and it takes me to the matching "(".
> Also, the code didn't compile - there's an error on this line:
> \bendAfter #-3 c1 \bendAf
> Some other comments...
> 1) This:
>    \score {{ \new Staff {
>    \relative c'' { ...
>    can be simplified to this:
>    \score {
>      \new Staff \relative c'' {
>      ...
> 2) This:
>    \override Voice . BendAfter #'after-line-break =
>        #(lambda (grob) (bendcallback grob))
>    can be simplified to this:
>    \override Voice.BendAfter #'after-line-break = #bendcallback
> 3) An initial quarter rest followed by whole notes doesn't fit the
>    time signature. Either remove the "r4" or add "\partial 4".
> 4) You can automate repetitive input this way:
>    \repeat unfold 45 { \bendAfter #-3 c1 }
> 5) The \layout block goes *inside* the \score block.
> 6) Please properly format your LilyPond code too...
> 7) Before you post to the mailing list, always do a final
>    test compile to make sure what you're sending compiles!
> ___________________________________
> So here's my rewrite:
> \version "2.13.0"
> #(define (bendcallback grob)
>    (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
>           (siblings
>             (if (ly:grob? orig)
>                 (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)
>                 '())))
>      (begin
>        (format #t "I will print if this function is called.\n")
>        (if (>= (length siblings) 2)
>            (if (not (eqv? grob (car siblings)))
>                (ly:grob-suicide! grob))))))
> \score {
>   \new Staff \relative c'' {
>     \override Voice.BendAfter #'after-line-break = bendcallback
>     \repeat unfold 45 { \bendAfter #-3 c1 }
>   }
>   \layout {
>     \context {
>       \Voice
>       \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
>     }
>   }
> }
> I'm only doing this so that you see what it should look like.
> I understand that a lot of the coding stuff is tricky; there
> are a lot of things that are easy for a beginner to forget and
> many useful tricks that a beginner just doesn't know yet. Most
> of us are more than happy to help out with those things.
> But we can't and won't keep rewriting code!
> I know, I've not answered your original question; there are
> still problems with the code. But I think proper formatting is
> more important than you realize. In terms of content, I'm
> actually fairly impressed -- you're tackling some ambitious
> concepts.
> Okay, I'm sure someone can take over where I've left off...
> If not, I'll try to help some more later.
> - Mark

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