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Re: The best way for a book?

From: Marc Hohl
Subject: Re: The best way for a book?
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 16:45:25 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Pierre Couderc schrieb:
What is the best way for a book with Lilypond extracts in it?
I have tried LaTeX with lilypond book, but I get mixs of lilyponds 'images" with other images.
What am I missing?

Is Scribus an alternative : I see here that there are problems too? Ooffice?

Thank you in advance,

Pierre Couderc


Here is my trial latek + lilypond =lilypond_book.
I get a lilypond image before and instead the expected jpeg, which comes later.
In fact, I would prefer the LaTeX solution...
I am not sure that this solves your problems, but you can tell LaTeX
whether your
graphics are allowed to float or not via options:

\begin{figure}[h] % h stands for 'here'




% from
{\Huge Ordinaire des Vêpres du Jeudi}
Rite romain


\version "2.12.1"
\include ""

   \score {
       \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
    \clef "vaticana-do3"
      %   De- us in ad- iu- tó- rium_  me- um in- tende.
    a a  \divisioMinima a a a  \[ a\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \]   a
  a a a g  \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \]  a \finalis
      %   R/._Dó- mi- ne, ad ad- iu- ván- dum me fes- tí- na
a a a \divisioMinima a a a a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \] a \divisioMaxima
     % Glo- ri- a Pa- tri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi- rí- tu- i Sanc- to
a a a a a a a g g \divisioMinima g a a a g \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \] a \divisioMaxima
  %  Si- cut e- rat in prin- ci- pi- o, %  et nunc et sem- per
  a a a a a a a a a a a a a g  \divisioMinima
  % et in sæ- cu- la sæ- cu- ló- rum. A-  men Allelúia.
  g a a a a a a a g   \[ g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd \] a  \divisioMaior
a \[ a\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \] \[ a\melisma \flexa \deminutum g\melismaEnd \] g \finalis
       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
         De- us in ad- iu- tó- ri- um  me- um in- ten- de.
    R/._Dó- mi- ne, ad ad- iu- ván- dum me fes- tí- na.
    Glo- ri- a Pa- tri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi- rí- tu- i Sanc- to
    Si- cut e- rat in prin- ci- pi- o,
et nunc et sem- per et in sæ- cu- la sæ- cu- ló- rum. A- men. Al- le- lú- ia.



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