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Re: cadenza at beginning of song

From: chip
Subject: Re: cadenza at beginning of song
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:32:07 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

got it to work, now one more issue that I haven't found the answer to in the docs - I cannot get the empy measure's wider than the default (whatever that may be). I can add all the spacer notes I want, but the measure never gets any wider. What do I have to do to make an empty measure wider? Where did I miss this in the docs?

Got it to work like this -

TrumpetOne = %\transpose d e
    \relative c'' {
    s1*10^"Alto Cadenza" s2. \bar "||"
f8 e r4 r8 cs f e
f e r4 r f8 e
e2 d
b16 as b cs d cs d e f2
e8 d r4 r8 d e d
e d r e f4 e
c2 cs
d b

Alto = %\transpose d b
    \relative c'' {
    c16^"Alto Cadenza" d ef f g2. bf4 af g2. f16[ ef d f] d ef
    c2 d8 bf16 c g1 c16 d ef f g2 c8 b
    a16 g \times 4/5 { f16[ e d c d] } e2 b c1~ c1  \bar "||"
a8 g r4 r8 f a g
a g r4 r a8 g
g2 f
b16 as b c d c d e f2
g,8 f r4 r8 e a g
a g r g a4 g
e2 e
f g

Neil Puttock wrote:
2009/10/16 chip <address@hidden>:
I am working on a song that has a free time cadenza at the beginning, but am
having a problem with the other instruments rests for the duration of the

Put the cadenza in a separate identifier (i.e., cadenza = \relative
c'' { ... } ), then you can use mmrest-of-length to create a full-bar
rest with the same length:

Also, the notes of the cadenza run to the right edge of the page
and disappear, the notes don't wrap down to create another staff.

Automatic line breaking relies on barlines, so you'll have to insert
invisible barlines (\bar "") where you're happy for a break to occur
(or force with \break).


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