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Re: slashSeparator - usage

From: Robin Bannister
Subject: Re: slashSeparator - usage
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 17:35:18 +0100

David Sumbler wrote:
I thought that using the slashSeparator between items would make things clearer, but I only want it after each complete item, not after every line.

It sounds as though each of your exercises is a \score block. You can put (stand-alone) markup between these blocks; see

And since slashSeparator is actually markup, you should be able to do \score { c'1 } \slashSeparator \score { d'1 } but the top-level doesn't know about slashSeparator, which is defined in LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ So somewhere near the beginning of your file - either paste in the definition you find there, or just say
-  \include ""

Cheers, Robin

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