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Re: Embedded PS graphics into scores

From: Jesús Guillermo Andrade
Subject: Re: Embedded PS graphics into scores
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 21:39:37 -0430

Thank you very much Patrick. Although the snippet is not functional yet. I tried compiling it using just one variable but to no avail.
Perhaps something else is missing?

BTW. Since I need to create some glyphs that are fundamental for the cuatro, and I dont know how to use fontforge, and more to the point, have no idea how to create font glyphs to add them to emmentaler, the only feasible option would be to create ps graphics to insert into the scores....


El 19/11/2009, a las 02:40 p.m., Patrick McCarty escribió:


On 2009-11-19, Jesús Guillermo Andrade wrote:
Thanks Patrick for your advice: Im sending a working minimal example
for your (and everybody's!) consideration. I cannot figure out this
behaviour.  Here it follows:

I removed the "showpage" operator from your Postscript code, and that
solved the problem of extra pages.  I changed the strategy for
variable assignments so that everything works correctly.  The
alignment of the arrows does not look accurate, but hopefully this new
snippet will help you achieve what you're trying to do:

%%% Begin snippet %%%

\version "2.13.8"
%\include "comunes.ily"
%\include "predefined-cuatro-fretboards.ily"
%\include "predefined-strokes.ily"

% Finger stroke symbols
strokeUp = "
/arrowdict 14 dict def
arrowdict begin
   /mtrx matrix def

 {arrowdict begin
   /headlength exch def
   /halfheadthick exch 2 div def
   /halfthick exch 2 div def
   /tipy exch def  /tipx exch def
   /taily exch def /tailx exch def

   /dx tipx tailx sub def
   /dy tipy taily sub def
   /arrowlength dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def
   /angle dy dx atan def
   /base arrowlength headlength sub def

   /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def

   tailx taily translate
   angle rotate

   0 halfthick neg moveto
   base halfthick neg lineto
   base halfheadthick neg lineto
   arrowlength 0 lineto
   base halfheadthick lineto
   base halfthick lineto
   0 halfthick lineto

   savematrix setmatrix
} def
   4 3 4 .9 .9 2 2 .2 sqrt mul 2 div
arrow .65 setgray fill

strokeDown = "
  0.3     setlinewidth
  0.5 0   moveto
  0.5 2   lineto
  0.2 1.4 lineto
  0.5 2   moveto
  0.8 1.4 lineto

  %annotate-spacing = ##t
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = "Viajera del Río"
  subtitle = "Vals Venezolano"
  composer = \markup {
    \column \roman \right-align {"Manuel YÁNEZ"
         \lower #2 \tiny "Transcrito por Jesús G. Andrade."
         \lower #1 \tiny "Conservatorio Vicente E. Sojo."
         \vspace #1
  meter = \markup {
    \postscript #strokeUp
    \postscript #strokeUp
    \postscript #strokeDown
    \postscript #strokeDown
    \postscript #strokeUp



melody = \relative c' {
% \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line- invisible
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #-2
%  \override MultiMeasureRestText #'self-alignment-X = #DOWN
  \time 3/4
  \clef treble
  \key a \major
  r4 e8 fis\( \times 2/3 {fis\)gis a} %1
  \bar "||"
  gis4 r8 e8 fis gis16 a %2

  \score {
  \new Voice = "melodia" { \melody }

  %\midi { }

%%% End snippet %%%


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