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Re: Note collision without stems

From: James Bailey
Subject: Re: Note collision without stems
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 20:25:00 +0100

On 29.12.2009, at 20:14, Alberto Simões wrote:


On 29/12/2009 19:11, James Bailey wrote:
I assume you *want* the two heads merged into one. since as it is, there
is no collision. The easy way is to force them together.

In fact, accordingly with lilypond documentation, the two heads are
drawn apart because there is a collision :)

Actually, they're drawn apart because they're in two separate voices, that's what <<{}\\{}>> does. If you wanted to see what the collision would look like (with the appropriate warning in the log, try:
\version "2.12.2"

\new Staff {<<{c'1( d'4)}{c'1(b4)}>> }

That's what
\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn and \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn do.

Was expecting a similar command to solve this issue, but any hack to
solve the issue is good. Thanks :)


I always look in the learning manual for this solution, because I can
never remember how to move noteheads, since I do it so rarely. It's in
4.5.3 Real music example. It's a godsend, as far as I'm concerned.
\version "2.12.2"

%%No collision
<<\clef bass {c1( d4)}\\{c1(b,4)}>>
<<{c'1( d'4)}\\{c'1(b4)}>>

%%With collision
<<\clef bass {c1( d4)}\\{\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift =
#-.5 c1(b,4)}>>
<<{c'1( d'4)}\\{\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.5

On 29.12.2009, at 19:28, Alberto Simões wrote:


voiceA = \relative c {
     c1( d4)
voiceB = \relative c {
     c1( b4)

voice = { << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> }

On 29/12/2009 18:16, James Bailey wrote:
Can you provide a short example that shows the collision? I'm having difficult imagining how to get such a collision, and then how to correct

On 29.12.2009, at 19:06, Alberto Simões wrote:

Dear all,

Can't find a solution to hide one of the two whole notes that are
colliding. The only option I find is to substitute one by a space (s1),
but if I do that I lose the tie connecting it to the next note.

Any hint?
(I can put the score online if that helps understanding the problem).


On 27/12/2009 18:55, Alberto Simões wrote:

How can I remove a collision of two whole notes (semibreve)?
I tried

But none works. That's natural, as the notes are not dotted, and have
the same head. :)

I am still searching in the manual, but if anybody knows this from
thank you :)


Alberto Simões

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